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You think you are ready, that this is going to be an easy thing to do, it won’t take long to learn everything I need to know. Hehehehe....sorry, but within your first year of following the path you are going to learn so much information that your head’s going to spin. But it doesn’t end with one year...oh, aren’t learning the teachings from one book you are learning from books, people, animals, trees, rocks, and yourself. You will never know everything.

That is why we call ourselves practicing wiccans for we are always practicing that which we have learned. The best place to start when learning something new is at the begining. Though Wicca has no begining or end I chose to start with the basic Wiccan Laws and Principles.

In Wicca we use the energies found in nature and within ourselves for healing and growth. The way in which the energies are used is called magick. Yes, I am spelling it right. The spelling has been changed in order to show the difference between the pure form of magick and stage magic. Sorry, we can’t pull rabbits from hats or turn you to frogs, though there are times I wish I could do that later.

The only thing in Wicca that we manipulate is energies and that even it only to send it to do a specific job. We never manipulate people, therefore, we don’t preform love spells, especially if they are directed toward a specific person. We never use the energy to harm people either.

Like most religions we have a symbol. Christians have the Cross, Jews have t he Star of David, and Wiccans have the five pointed star called a pentagram. The points, starting at the top and working clockwise are: Spirit, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These are the elements of the earth.

We celebrate 4 major Sabbats: Samhain, Candlemass, Beltane, Lammas. Four minor Sabbats or Esbats: Yule, Ostra, Midsummer, Mabon, and 13 full moons. To find out more about the Sabbats visit here.