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Educational Resume

August 1999                      Started as a Para educator at Coventry Village School
September 24, 1999         Attended workshop: "Teaching Reading is Rocket Science" at Johnson
                                         State College, Johnson, VT
Fall term of 1999/2000      Attended Course: Special Education: An Introduction to the Role of the
                                         Student Assistant through North Country Career Center
May 11, 2001                   Attended workshop: Vermont Speech-Language-Hearing Association at
                                         VSHA Spring 2001 Conference at Stoweflake Resort, Stowe, VT
August 23, 2001               Attended workshop: "We Are Bigger Than Head Lice" at Hubbard
                                         Building, Newport, VT
2001-2002                       Professional development: Understanding, Designing, and Implementing
                                         School-wide Discipline and Planning Process Support Systems through
                                         Upstream Educational Systems
Spring term 2002              GED-609-A Cooperative Learning Course, Saint Michael's College,
                                         Colchester, VT
May 23, 2002                   Friend of Education through Northeast Kingdom Elementary Teachers
Spring term 2003              EDU-2210-LO3 Foundations of Elementary Education and Special
                                         Education, Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, VT
Summer term 2003            MAT-4710-LO1 St: Number and Arithmetic K-8, Lyndon State College,
                                         Lyndonville, VT
To date                             Currently enrolled at Community College of Vermont, Newport, VT