Magical Twilight Zero - Characters Majo


Chipple! {Chippuru}

Chipple () - {White Magic} The main witch in the series. She is in love with Tsukasa and usually calls Tsukasa, "Tsukasa-kun" which suggests a closeness.

Irene! {Airin}

Irene () - {White Magic} She is sort of Chipple's rival in passing the exams. She approaches Tsukasa with lustful intent.

Liv! {Ribu}

Liv () - {Black Magic} She wants Tsukasa dead and is the witch appearing in his dreams killing him.


Tsukasa {Tsukasa-kun}!

Tachibana Tsukasa - {Usually called "Tsukasa-kun" by Chipple} Like the witches, he has exams to pass too! He doesn't show much interest in Chipple untill she gives a nice lunch to eat!

Tatsuhiko {Tsukasa's Friend}! {Tsukasa no tomo{dachi}

Tatsuhiko - Tachibana's friend, Tatsuhiko, is a real pervert!

Caretaker of Inn! {Ayako}

Ayako - {Caretaker of the Inn} Ayako believes that Tsukasa sounds like her dead husband.

Ayako no musume! {Ayako's Daughter {Minori}

Ayako no musume {Minori} - Shy about her body and lacks self-confidence, and fights with her mother, Ayako.


Seiichi - He stays at the inn and is afraid of women, Irene helps him out...

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