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user : headphones798
pet : Luke_da_Lupe798
NP : 17,914

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0 / 67
Power 90%
 Spectre of Lord Darigan
97251 / 97251
Power 100%

Luke_da_Lupe798On the last move...Spectre of Lord Darigan
You startle Spectre of Lord Darigan with a powerful Slice from the Iron Lupe Sword!

You startle Spectre of Lord Darigan with a powerful Slice from the Iron Lupe Sword!

You inhale and drain the life out of your opponent using the black arts of Life Drain!
Spectre of Lord Darigan takes 20 of your hp with a green mist from their Darigans Staff!

Spectre of Lord Darigan singes you with a blast from the eyes of the Darigan Shield of Malevolence!

Spectre of Lord Darigan fiercely attacks you!
Spectre of Lord Darigan avoids your physical attack with Darigan Shield of Malevolence!
(15 hp)Luke_da_Lupe798 heals!
420 hp
0 hp

Quoth Spectre of Lord Darigan:
So, you came back for more?!? You haven't beaten me yet! Your puny weapons have no effect on me!!!

Spectre of Lord Darigan has beaten you!
You have lost this fight!

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