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I have a bad feeling about this: People who get Star Wars and Star Trek mixed up.

I have a bad feeling about this: That calculus test I had Friday. I didn't know I was going to have to prove that the derivative of cscx = -cscxcotx.

I have a bad feeling about this: People who go to the same school as Natalie Portman and have still never seen Star Wars.

I have a bad feeling about this: Cookie Crisp. It's kind of weird.

I have a bad feeling about this: People who get Star Wars and Star Trek mixed up, and then you correct them, and one minute later they make the same mistake.

I have a bad feeling about this: The sound of ripping cloth when doing streches in gym class.

I have a bad feeling about this: The orange juice in the cafeteria.

I have a bad feeling about this: Doughnuts that smell like bacon.

I have a bad feeling about this: Microwave dinners that have meat in them and still don't have to be refrigorated.

I have a bad feeling about this: The Power Rangers.

I have a bad feeling about this: That sticker on the bathroom door that says, "Toilet camera is for research use only."

I have a bad feeling about this: When you put a certain salad dressing on your salad, then someone takes that salad dressing, and says, "This is really old," and throws it away.

I have a bad feeling about this: People who say Star Wars is futuristic. Obviously they haven't read those introduction word that start with "A long time ago...." It's historical, dammit.

I have a bad feeling about this: The numbers of people who have websites for their pets, and the lack of people who have websites for their other family members.