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Who Said That

Who Said That?

Star Wars quotes:
(highlight between the brackets to see who said it).

1. "Jam their comlink, center switch!"
[Luke ]

2. "Hey, it's me."
[Han Solo ]

3. "No pod is worth two slaves."
[Watto ]

4. "Credits will do fine."
[Qui-Gon ]

5. "He's no good to me dead."
[Boba Fett ]

6. "You're a funny little boy."
[Padme ]

7. "doo WEEp chWHRrrrree bedzhng."
[R2-D2 ]

8. "Sandstorms are very, very dangerous."
[Anakin ]

9. "I've just about had enough of you."
[C-3PO ]

10. "Coona tuta, Solo?"
[Greedo ]

11. "Rrgrrowrrbroo fro bo."
[Chewbacca ]

12. "He is here."
[Darth Vader ]

13. "May the force be with us."
[Admiral Ackbar ]

14. "Your skills are complete."
[Vader ]

15. "There's something alive down there."
[Luke ]

16. "That's impossible even for a computer."
[Wedge ]

17. "Bo shuda."
[Jabba the Hutt ]

18. "You will die."
[the Emperor ]

19. "Then the Emperor has already won."
[Obi-Wan ]

20. "How feel you?"
[Yoda ]

21. "You came in that thing?"
[Leia ]

22. "You want the impossible."
[Luke ]

23. "You found something?"
[Vader ]

24. "My Lord, we have them."
[Piett ]

25. "That wizard is just a crazy old man."
[Owen ]

26. "Why didn't you tell me?"
[Luke ]

27. "This is no cave."
[Han ]

28. "No! Wait!! I thought you were blind!"
[Lando ]

29. "I care."
[Luke ]

30. "What the hell are you doing?!"
[Han ]

31. "Where do you think you're going?"
[C-3PO ]

32. "He was meant to help you."
[Shmi Skywalker ]

33. "I have to try."
[Luke ]

34. "Find your friend."
[Yoda ]

35. "It could be worse."
[Leia ]

36. "Clumsy as he is stupid."
[Darth Vader ]

37. "We should not have made this bargin."
[Rune Haako ]

38. "Fly casual."
[Han ]

39. "I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you."
[Luke ]

40. "Wipe them out, all of them."
[Darth Sidious ]

41. "We will tell her for you."
[Queen Amidala ]

42. "Why are we still moving towards it?!"
[Luke ]

43. "We won't get another shot at this, Admiral."
[Lando ]

44. "Many Bothans died to bring us this information."
[Mon Mothma ]

45. "Whooha! That got him."
[Wedge ]

46. "He felt surprise was wiser."
[Veers ]

47. "Captain Solo, this time you have gone too far!"
[C-3PO ]

48. "This is getting out of hand."
[Nute Gunray ]

49. "Cable out, let her go!"
[Janson ]

50. "Everything is proceding as I have foreseen it (evil cackle)."
[the Emperor ]

51. "Jam the doors."
[Panaka ]

52. "Now, go, and don't look back."
[Shmi ]

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