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Style: American Pale Ale

Batch size: 5.0 gal

Brewer: Vermont Homebrew


Crushed Specialty Grains


Caramalt 10L

8 oz

Crystal 90L

4 oz

Light Wheat Malt

8 oz


Place the crushed grains in a muslin bag and tie off. Don’t pack the grains in so tightly that water can’t get in. Heat up a gallon of water in your brewpot to 165F or just shy of a boil. Turn off the heat, add the grains & cover the pot. Let the grains steep for 15-45 min. Remove the grains and add the following:

Malt Extract


Light Malt Extract (LME)

6.6 lbs


Stir well and check to make sure that there is no malt stuck to the bottom of the pot.  Add an additional 1-1/2 gallons of water, and bring to a boil.  Stir occasionally during the boil and follow the hop schedule below:


Pellet Hops


Boil Time

Northern Brewer

1.5 oz @ 6.5 AAU

60 min

Northern Brewer

.5 oz

30 min


1.0 oz @ 6.0AAU

2 min



Danstar Nottingham or Windsor


Cool the wort you boiled covered in an ice bath for at least an hour. Have 2 gallons of cold water in the sanitized fermenter. Pour the cool wort directly into the fermenter. You can pour through a strainer if you have one. Check the temperature and stir/shake well to mix. Take a hydrometer reading now. When the wort temperature has reached 63-75F you can rehydrate the dry yeast in ½ cup of warm water. Let it rehydrate for 15 min, and then add it to the wort. Seal the fermenter and shake well.  You can continue to aerate or shake the fermenter every so often until you see positive pressure in the airlock, or the krausen start to form on top of the wort. Let ferment at room temperature till done.  You can siphon the beer into a 5 gallon carboy and let it settle for 1-2 weeks. Remember to keep the carboy out of direct light.

Prime (carbonate) the brew with ¾ cup of corn sugar that is dissolved in 1 or 2 cups of boiling water.

Let the beer carbonate at the same temperature it fermented at for 1 or 2 weeks before chilling. Your beer should continue to mellow and carbonate over the next 4-6 weeks.



I have been adjusting the hops for a slightly stronger taste. Using 1.5 oz total of  Northern Brewer @ 9.1 AAU

Also, late addition of LME ( last 15 min) has resulted in lighter color.


How to Brew