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11 Aug, 03 > 17 Aug, 03
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Thursday, 7 August 2003
iN cLAss.....*sniFFlez*
daMM dis is bORinGz! aiYAhz...arEnt i sAd?
writinG to mAh selF....bout mah selF!
hrMMz watz bN going on latliz huh?
well lotz and lotz......
a so called 'boYfriend' hrmmz how can i put thiS???
weOzZ... 'he tRied tO fuK twO giRlz and he WoKE uP asLeep neXt tO a giRl iN beD! aLL thiS wHiLE hE haS a giRLfriend!........ME!
hrMmz buT da thiNG is....i reaLLi dO loVE hiM...and i dont wanna lose hiM!
buT eveRi oNe aRounD me saYz iM wastinG maH tiMe anD hiS noT woRth it! i knOw i knOw...buT i StiLL carE foR hiM....'lOVE iS BliNd!'

Posted by vt2/tru3_viety at 1:44 PM EADT
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