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NC's Coming're u ready - Picture

Warning! Read this first if u're easily offended!

NC's History

Wonder of life brought numerous people together, these people were the chosen ones...

For thusands of years people of this planet
have searchd for the right goddes(or god, whatever...)
They have found many and many have been wrong... all of them have been wrong.
5000 years ago this planet knew their goddes,
she walked among odinary people and guided them towards rightsesnes.
She had many names, and some (mostly men) even thought that
she was a he because they could not get it in to their small minds that
The UltimateGod Of Cosmos, was in fact, female.

"Tufoc" could not stay on this planet for long.
She had dutys to other nations, so she left.
For 1000 years people kept the belive alive, cos
she had promised to return, but the belive faded
out... and then died... This world forgot about her and her teachings.
Tufoc saw this but could not interfear,
so she gave a misson to the people of M13 to find persons
who will bring her back.
For Thourgh time, the peole of M13 have visited earth,
and experemented peolpe from differrent cultures for this mission.

The Nervo (people of M13 call them selfs nervo)
have brought alot of discushion to earth about the issue;
is there or is there not intelegent life beond earth?
When Tufoc was among us everybody knew that we aren't the only ones in this universum.

In 1996 Nervos found what they where looking for.
In four young females the truth was alive, inside theyr souls lived Tufoc and the knowlege of her teachigs.
One of those girls became the passage way to the great goddes.
She had the blood of Tufoc in her stronger than anybody else.

So the NC (NervoClub) was born and way to the truth was opened
and now it can not be closed. Ever!!

´ Sarah from (NervoClub) First member and M13 diplomat




(Has a son with the foreign minister of M13, Pete)


And a non votin write, Lucretia

Tufoc - The Site