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The Estonia Journal

Me'n my sis Sari were in Estonia for a week this summer'n 'cos we had so damn nice trip I decided to write a few words down'bout it'n share it with u.

If ya ever consider traveling to Estonia, Im willing to give as much info as i can!
Here we go:
Our route was basicly this -

Tampere (Where we live)-> Helsinki (Capital of Finland) ->
Tallinn(Capital of Estonia)-> Tarto -> Pärnu ->
Tallinn -> Helsinki -> Tampere.

The first pictures're finally'ere!!!

Our "five star hotel" in Tarto "Round'n round'n round we go..." in Pärnu
Sun set at the beach in Pärnu The Hellmachine... Us at the end of our journey in Tallin. Pic by an unknown wino.

Day 1.
4.30 A.M.

The timer sets the stereo alarm on’n starts to play Skunk anansie’s ”Secretly”.
We both, me’n my sis Sari, wake up knowing there’s no time for ”just five more minutes nap”. So, we get up, have a cup of tee, something to eat’n realise we’re still not in a hurry, so we sit down’n start trading Xena season three trading cards we’ve just both yesterday! When I’d just traded one of my Callisto cards to this absolutely fab Xena card, one of us just happens to check the time…

The running started…

So, we crap our backpacks n fly out of the door.
We had a train to catch’n if we didnt make that train, we wouldnt make it to our ferry. Fortunately, we made it’n still had’bout 20 seconds to sit down before the train left the station from Tampere to Helsinki !

After a few hours sleeping in the train we were in Helsinki (capital of Finland)’n again we had plenty of time. No hurry at all…
So, we started walking to the west harbour where our ferry was to leave to Estonia.
Surprise, surprise we managed to take a wrong turn at one point, since neither of us had walked there before. So, suddenly it was’bout 2 more kilometers to the harbour’n to make it to the check-in in time to get our tickets, which had to be reclaimed 45 min before the ferry leaving, I had to run the last kilometer leaving Sari with my backpack to catch up…
We were 10min late, but fortunately our tickets were still there…

Not too good a start for a trip, eh?
Well, from this point on, things went much better, since we didnt set any time lines for the rest of our journey than to be back in a week…

But before we made it to Estonia’n Tallinn (capital of Estonia) there was a 1h 45minutes of hell in front of us...
The ferry was this little
katamarin for’bout 150 people max’n we didnt get seats so we sat on the floor in the front of the hell machine. My stomack didnt much like the ride, so I spent the ride feeling sick’n eventually threw up… Sari took it better listening to Korn from her walkmans…

Finally we were there!
The sun was shining’n it was warm. Actuelly, for our amazement, the weather stayed like that the whole time! We were totally prepared for cold shower for most of our trip’cos that’s what happened last year: it rained’bout 80% of the time…

First night we stayed at the apartment of some family friends of ours, since they were at a summer cottage, or something.
After a nice day spent wandering around in the old town part of Tallinn, sipping cold beer at the old city defensewall, we went back to our night over to charge batteries for the night. For a Tuesday night out in the city, we had some really good time! And boy, did we know it in the morning…

Day 2.

We both got up with a minor hangover’n very tired.
Having returned the keys’n got rid off the hangover we were ready to move on. Our next destination was Tarto. With a buss it took’bout 3h to get there. Tarto being a university town, we head for the university to ask for a place to sleep over the night.
After couple of hours we find to the right place, only to find out it’s under construction. The couple running the place ask us in anyway’n start calling around with a cellphone. Finally the lady asks us to come with her across the street to this old house, which I think was a temporary rooming house of the university. So, we got a room for the night’n were very happy again.

Though the food’n alcohol‘re very cheap in Estonia, we kept our meals pretty simple: Sai (Estonian white bread), cheese spread, cheese, chips’n soda, beer, beer, and oh yeah: beer! This all was to keep budjet down’n to have the money for occational pizas!

So, we ate piza that night, confusing the waitress when odering vegetarian.

Communicating in Estonia’s pretty easy if you’re from Finland’cos the languages’re so similar. Lotsa similar words, etc. So that wasnt a problem.
Unfortunately, there’s another thing that is a big problem if ya ask me. Estonia, being a new independent country, sovereign of Russia, has a much lower price level than Finland. So, there’re lotsa Finish tourists going around spreasing their money, basicly acting like total idiots. That makes it very difficult to make any real contact with the locals if u let’em know you’re a Finn. It’s kinda sad, I think…

Oh well. We found a nice Irish pub in Tarto'n spent most of the evening there. I just loooove dark Guinness!

As the second day was only a painful memory in my feet'n shoulders from all the walking we'd done'n I was drifting off to sleep, I knew we'd have a great week ahead of us.
Doesnt that sound just nice :)


Day 3.
___By Sari___

....A painfull wakening from the sad comodation too early. My back still hurt from last days efforts and that hard matress witch i slept on didn't really help.
Ignoring the pain came quit easy when i relised that it was time to move on to Pärnu.
I loved that city so the fact of the incoming pain seemed worth it, right from the start.

As I dragged my ass out of that hard sleeping place I stopped to wonder how Katja could be so chearfull at this time of the day.
As Katja went to brush her theet to that horrible bathroom that our "royal" comodation offeret, i rose from my bed and found my way in to Katjas,,,

I knew it!

Damn I knew it, Not fair! Her bed was so mutch more softer than mine. Again Katja had chosen more wisely than I had.

I bushed aside my bitternes and backed my things.
Somehow we managed to get out of that place under 30 minutes. For some reason Katja wanted to stop and take pictures of that fife star hotel we had slept in. I kept my always smiling face as she took the pickture. After two cups of tea, one cup of coffee, plus some salty snacks'n 'bout 5 cigarets I was totally awake;
this was not good news at all....
Fortunetly I got my sleepyness back straight after climping in to the buss witch was going to take us to Pärnu.

Korn led me into sweet dreaming that was interupted only when Katja wanted me to see cows or fields.
To my good fortune, Katja drifted into the dreamworld too'n she stoped harashing me. Hard hit on my shoulder woke me up, we were in Pärnu!
Unpleasent fact was uppon us again: Where the hell're we going to stay?!?!
Do to the place of the moon and the stars and some other freeky things we found a decend prised acommodation in less than an hour.
I found myself staring at a neet litle room with violet curtains, and two comfty looking beds, was I in heaven? No, i was not, but it was the closest thing to heaven... well atleast to my shoulders.
Both of those beds where very soft, the shower was decent (no hot water though, but who needs hot water in the summer?) and the toilets weren't so bad either.

We didn't rest our feet too long'cos the thurst was unbearable'n my throat (and I bet that Katja's throat too) needed bear, and bear I got!

Although that first night in Pärnu wasn't full of partys and booz, we managed to get pretty wasted witch was good'cos that was the whole point!
Wakeing up wasn't too easy'cos it nerver is to me, but we made it to the beach, before 11.30am The main reason propaply was that we orderet breackfast and we had to get up before 10am...

Day 4.
___By AXA___

...So, we were in Pärnu'n the weather was just too sweet. The sun was shining'n it was so warm :)We were prepared for rain'cos the year before we were in Pärnu, it rained'bout 85% of the time. Well, we had a good time then too. So much that we came back the following summer!

So, we spent the day on the beach, zipin some bear'n playing pool. Just hangin'round. There was also a small skatepark this year'n did we regret leaving our skateboards home this year, or what! We, hanged'round watchin others skate. Torture....

I'll continue in a while...