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"A friend is someone you meet and you know you can spend the rest of your life just talking to them."

If your not on my list I am sorry, but there are way to many people to put on here!!! I always forget someone!
Besides you know I love you all the same:)
In alphabetical order.

  • Aislynn (AIM)
    We hadn't talked in a while and now we are getting to talk a little more ever now and then. She's hillarious though, she always has good funny stories to tell me about things in her life. She's cool and has a great future ahead of her.

  • Amy B. (AIM)
    Well, we are not longer dating, haven't been in a very long time. Though we managed to keep a close friendship and my son still loves her like a mother. I still concider her my baby doll it's just never said to her. She's got a bright future ahead of her if she stays on task.

  • Amy J. (IRL)
    She's just a toddler but she's very smart. She is Joshy's daughter and they live with me. So does little Amy's brother Gordo. Shane and her like to read, well, Shane teachers her to read. She's going to be Miss Smarty Pants when she grows up.

  • Angela (Yahoo)
    The only buddy I only talk to on Yahoo. You need AIM so I can delete yahoo!! I'd like to believe I have gotten to know her pretty well but I know sometimes I think I know someone and I don't. In other words I would like to know her better then I already do. She is a great person and I know her future will be a great one too!

  • Cynthia (IRL)
    This is my friend with the GHETTO BOOTY!! Just kidding she doesn't have a ghetto booty. We have become pretty close and I am always the one to say DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! She has many goals ahead of her and I know she will accomplish them all. With that I say she will have a terrific future.

  • Dave (IRL)
    My little rug rat brother! He is still in elementary school and I am forced to love him. Just kiddin I love my brother he is family it is the law. We are really close and he looks up to me but he can be a great pain in the rear. If he will straighten his attitude he might just have himself a great future.

  • Jess (IRL)
    Jess married a guy who was supposed to be my friend. He broke ever rule in the book but aside from that, Jess and I don't talk much and I miss her tremendous amounts. We had a bond that was thought to be unbreakable but it broke with time like all good things. She is extreemly intelegent and has a wonderful life ahead of her.

  • Jessica (IRL)
    Jessica married my twin, Vincent. They were blessed with their first child on December 17, 2001. An amazingly beautiful little girl named Kaleigh Marie. Since her and Vincent moved next to me we have become pretty close. Just like we shouold be Bro and Sis! She's in college... well... was until the baby! She is going to have the best life ever.

  • Josh (IRL)
    Joshy is the funniest guy I know IRL. Just about anything he says can make you laugh. He and I are really close and we treat each other like family. He's a brother to me and an uncle to my son. He just got engaged to Care, a wonderful lady. Now his life will be filled with joys and pleasure!

  • Kai (IRL)
    I met him at the gay bar. He was pissed because none of my friends were actually gay. We just went there to be different. Anyways now we have become best friends. He is one of the coolest guys I know. He even found himself a boyfriend! I am very happy for him and he is happy fr himself. They are thinking of moving to another state and trying to adopt a son or daughter.

  • Kait (AIM)
    Kait is Cyn's room mate.... Her responce to everything seems to be "LOL" not really just most of the time! She's cool and I don't know her to well yet. The best of luck in the future Kait.

  • Karen (AIM)
    We met on AOL Instant Messanger a while back and we became pretty good friends. She's a great listener. I like that about her. She is going to have an amazing future.

  • Sarah (MSN mostly)
    She is an awesome friend! She is always there to listen to me complain, she always has good ideas! I have known her since about the first time I got on the net which was either August or September of 1997. I believe that she will have a very nice future!

  • Sharlene (Yahoo occasionally)
    She is a good friend and we used to talk all the time. I just caught up with her a few weeks ago. She is still very beautiful and funny as always. She is going to have an amazing life I know it.

  • Vincent (IRL)
    This would be my twin brother. He and I are identicle except I am stronger then him. Right you "scronny little white boy"? Hee hee. He moved next door to me after he married Jessica, and then they had their daughter 12/17/01. He's in college studying his booty off so that he can have a good future.