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Well this is the page to tell you some information about myself...

Basic information you should know

Picture online: No, unless you know me.
Name: Aaron
Age: 21
Birth day: Feb. 4, 1981
Stats: 7 foot. Short cut brown (sometimes spikey) hair.
Dark sometimes light "sexy" blue eyes. (Dark brown contacts)
HotOrNot Rating: 9.9
Material Status: Happy and content
Peircings: Left earlobe, left cart, and nipples.
Location: Washington the lovely always rainy state.
Don't you just wish you lived here? NOT!!!!

My Family

Family is always nice to have unless your me*L*
I have the most awesome little brother Dave.
Dave is 8 years old. (B-day: 4-20) He does get
annoying from time to time but I like it.
He follows me around and tries to show off
a lot just like me. So I am his hero*L*

I also have an identical twin named Vince.
He is the coolest guy. He is almost just like
me! Doesn't everyone wish they could meet us? :)

My dad died when I was 16 in a car wreck...he was drunk.
Mom died of aids when I just turned 18.
I moved in with my grandparents when I was 17.
I now live near my oma.

That is enough about my family.

My Kid

Yes you have read correct a kid.
I have a terrific son. :)
Well I made some very bad choices I know.
Yet I do have the most wonderful son
anyone could ask for.
A little info for you.
Shane is five (b-day: 4-20) he is a great little
munchkin as I call him. He lives with me.