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My Poetry

Well, if you couldn't tell this is a page for
some of the poetry I write.
Read and enjoy:-)
More will be added soon!


You The One The Light Of My Life

You are the light of my life
The fire of my dreams
The fantasies around
You are everything to me
You wake me up when I am sleeping
You teach what is the best
You tell me things will be great
You are the light of my life


You Are The One

I look at you I see my future
It is you I want
It is you I touch
It is you I hear calling to me
I see you now as I saw you then
You are the one for me
The look in your eyes
The soft touch you give
The gentle caresses of our bodies
It is all so clear when I am with you
My life was spinning in circles
Then in walked you
We can talk for hours
You are a gift from the sweet heaven above
You were made for me I can see it in your eyes
When I am with you my troubles disappear
I hold you tightly never letting go
I ask you on this beautiful night
Will you be mine



Your eyes are beautiful
You smile is so sweet
Your lips so tender
Your love for me is true
Your soft kisses show you care
Your gentle touch
Your loving heart
Your way of talking
Your loving words
You show me how much you love
I dream of you
I speak of you
I kiss you softly
I hold you closely
I try to be kind
I try to be gentle
I try to show all my love
I kiss your lips not you cheek
Your lips deserve the kisses
They speak so soft and gentle
Your so kind to me
You love me it shows
I love you too more than you know
These silly poem is to show you
I really care and I love you
I hope you always know
That your my love



Love is knowing that your there
Love is having you there to snuggle with
Love is trusting one another
Love is knowing that you care
Love is being close to you
Love is sharing the good times and bad
Love is knowing I have you near



I am me
You are you
But I love you not
You love me so
You saw me there
You saw me then
But not no more
I will end
My death was because of you
You brought it on
I couldn’t handle it
I took a chance
It worked
Now from heaven I see you
You are there crying
All this because of me
I thought there was no love but I was wrong
I am near but you can’t tell
I watch you daily I guard you with my heart
I love with my faith
I died for you
I died because of you


No Title

Happy in a sick sad world
Lonesome in the place
No one to believe in me
No one to love me in an undescribable way
No one to teach me there is more to my life
No one to understand all I want to do is love you
No one to care about me love me hold me
No one in this world really cares



You used to be there
You used to care
You used to love
You used to have fun
Now you hate me
There are tears in my eyes
You came in screaming
You called it all off
You called me names
For what I don’t even know
You ran out yelling
I sat down crying
You used to be there for me
But now you are gone
You called me up and yelled more
You told me it was my fault
You said you loved another
You hung up crying
You left me there with no one
I called you back up
Ring ring ring
But no one was there
You came back crying
I was there
But then you did something
Something I’ll never forget
You pulled out your knife
You looked at me
You stabbed yourself
I ran to you grabbing the knife
You gasped for your last breath of air
I took the knife held it high
Struck myself in the chest
I was saved but you were dead
I am wounded
Far from healing
I was there for you
But you died on me
I dream of you
I speak of you
I will always love you


Love Brings Pain

We struggle with love
We struggle with pain
We tried so hard
You gave me your love
I loved you in return
We ended so soon
I guess we are like
Those who never learn
We once loved each other
But not any more
I still love you truly
But you don’t love me
Tonight I will cry
And so will you
Why did we have to end this way
I still love you
We will never learn not to love
So all we do is struggle
Struggle with the pains of love



As you look at me tonight
Tell me what you want
Do you want my blood
Do you want my tears
Do you want my love
Do you want my fears
Tell me what you want from me

I can’t seem to please you
I can only seem to harm you
I can see in your eyes
I can see in your heart
None of these tell me
What do you want from me

You can have a anything you want
You can have my love
You can have my heart
You can have my talk
You can have my walk
But tell me what you want from me



Out of rage
Out of fear
Out of guilt
Out of hate
Why do we do the things we do

Put down your gun
Drop your knife
Put down your fist
I wish not to fight
Why can’t we just get along

I wish I knew
I wish I could tell
But like the rest
I can only guess
Why do we do the things we do


Look Around

Look around you
What do you see
I see a small world
This world contains violence
The death I see is bone chilling
He started a fight I had to finish
He threw a punch it hit me hard
I turned around reaching for my gun
He kicked me hard making me fall
That is when it happened
I took a look
I aimed the gun
I pulled the trigger
It him him right in the head
As he falls screaming
I say to take a look what do you see
He hits the ground screaming
I turn running away with tears in my eyes
What have I done
Another innocent victim
Another life is taken
All I can say is:
Take a look around you what do you see


Love Ends

Do you not see
You torture me here
You love me not
That is what I fear
Thanks to you
My heart is torn
My soul is shaken
You rip me apart
You throw away my heart
You lurk in my shadows
My love for you is true
My heart is breaking in two
We shared a great love
We loved each other deeply
Now I see you
Your with another person
You share a romance we once had
You look at me
With a grin on your face
It all comes clear
You never loved me
It was never true


Why Wont You Go

I have a pain that you wouldn’t understand
I have a pain that destroys my life
I take you in you become my pain
I hold you there not letting you go
I keep you here because I love you
I want you to stay but I must let you go
When I push you away you pull in farther
We say not a word just remain pressed together
Why am I doing this to you
Why am I not telling you what I should
Don’t you see I am with someone else
Don’t you know you should leave me
Don't you see I am changing
My love for you is fading
Why wont you catch on
Why wont you just leave me


Live Or Die

The feelings we hide
The times of tears
They all lead to death
Why do we live to die
Why do we try to stay
What am I doing here
The life in me is fading fast
My time is coming to a rest
No one to help me no one to listen
No one to take me into there arms
The pills don’t work so they give me more
I’m in a constant depression nothing I can do
There are a few who try to help the try to
The comfort they provide is temporary
I don’t need my life I need to die
My heart is ticking slowly unwinding
My eyes are slowly shutting
The pain inside is leaving
My head is falling down


I Said Goodbye

I said goodbye
But You didn’t listen
I said goodbye
But you didn’t care
I said goodbye
But you only laughed
I said goodbye
But you called me stupid
I said goodbye
But you didn’t wonder why
I said goodbye
But you didn’t look me in the eye
I said goodbye
But you didn’t try and help
I said goodbye
But you walked right away
I said goodbye
I didn’t laugh
I said goodbye
I didn’t mean to hurt you
I said goodbye
I really didn’t want to die
I said goodbye
I never knew I’d really die
I said goodbye
I had the gun in my hand
I said goodbye
I blew out my brains
I said goodbye
Maybe next time you’ll listen
When someone says goodbye

Ending with a much nicer poem*L* *S*



Friends are there when you need them
Friends cheer you up when you are down
Friends find time to be with you
Friends are always having fun together
Friends like to try new things with you
Friends a strong threw the good time and bad
What would I do without you my friend