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The Religion of Bali

Women carrying offerings to the Temple

In Bali, Hindu Dharma is held by almost 95% of the population. Hindu Dharma is a mixture of Hinduism, Budhism, and ancestor worship. They believe in one supreme God called Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa, with his three manfestations known as Trisakti, who is: Brahama - the creator, Wintu - the Preserver and Siwa - the Transformer.

Religion is a big part of the Balinese people's lives, from daily rituals to semi annually temple festivals. There is an unending series of ceremonies and festivals that stretches from the birth of people, right up until after death.

There are three things guiding the spiritual life of the Hindu Balinese people. They are: Tatwa (philosophy; Susila (etiquette/moral codes); Upacara (rituals).
