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  • Jacque (Whats up babers? We are the bestest of friends and lets keep it that way)
  • Jana (sup sis? how you doing? lol)
  • Summer (Hey cutie lets go moonlight bowling again)
  • Michael (mushashi P.L.U.R thanx for helping introduce me to the rave scene)
  • Cob (you're an awesome dancer and thanx for the hugs)
  • Joshi (you're such a cutie)
  • Amy (Hola chica! Hows life??)
  • Jillian (Whats up babe? you need to call me so we can hang out)
  • Illian (it was good seeing you on New Years since I havent seen you in forever give me a call sometime)
  • Luciano (Hey bro what are you up to now a dayz?)
  • Sara (Hey Girl we need to go drive around in your car like old times)
  • Ryan351 (Hey sexy bitch! Saleen Forever!)
  • Justin (Hey you whats up?)
  • Jesse (you're such a sweetie)
  • Ryan (You're one of my best guy friends...thanx for being there for me)
  • Crispin (You need to come to Bellevue get your jacket back and just come hang out)
  • Joe (you best call me soon cause we haven't talked for awhile)
  • Kylie (Girlie whaddup?)
  • Rae (Long time no see babe, I miss ya! keep in touch)
  • Robert M.(Hey hun! we need to get together soon)
  • Brian (Hey did you think that I would forget bout you? give me a call sometime)
  • Jeremy (you and my sister are annoying together)
  • Diana (your the sweetest! call me sometime so we can go party or just hang out)

Hey peeps thanx for checking out my web site if you would like to be add to my shouts please e-mail me or tell me online