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Name Class Type Draws On Notes
Plains Land Basic NA None
Desert Land Basic NA Death Rate is doubled for any Mortals in this space.
Swamp Land Basic NA Birth rate is halved for any Mortals in this space, any Buildings built by Workmen in this space take twice as many Workmen, Horse Mortals use two movement to move out of this space.
Forest Land Basic NA Any Mortals in this space have 1 subtracted from their attack number, Horse mortals take 2 to move out.
Tundra Land Basic NA DR is doubled, Workmen cannot build buildings.
Mountain Land Mountain NA Mortals may not move in unless it is mentioned on their card, Workmen cannot build.
Storm Land Water NA Mortals may not move in unless on a Ship, roll a Die for each ship in space, on a 1 or 2 it sinks.
Water Land Water NA Mortals may not move in unless in a Ship, Workmen cannot build.
Meziri Afterlife NA NA Rupanyu Elves
Fauluam Afterlife NA NA Rupanyu Humans
Heaven Afterlife NA NA Only accessible by JHVH.
Gehenna Afterlife NA NA Accessible to JHVH, Satan, Lucifer, and Allah.
Paradise Afterlife NA NA Only accessible to Allah.
Hades Afterlife NA NA Accessible to all Greek Gods.
Elysian Fields Afterlife NA NA Accessible to "Good" Greek Gods.
Hel Afterlife NA NA Accessible to all Norse Gods.
Valhalla Afterlife NA NA Accessible to "Good" Norse Gods.
Reincarnation Afterlife NA NA Accessible to all Indian Gods and Lord+Lady, Souls are removed 5 turns after they are placed in here. The five turns can be anyone's.
Limbo Afterlife NA NA Accessible to all Gods.
Happy Hunting Grounds Afterlife NA NA Accessible to all American Gods.
Egyptian Underworld Afterlife NA NA Accessible to all Egyptian Gods.
Nizinsa God Rupanyu Fauluam, Meziri, Limbo May keep one opponent from taking their turn for 25 Mana and 100 Souls, if the same Player has their turn cancelled more than once consecutively it costs double each time.
Tagitem God Rupanyu Fauluam, Limbo May turn one Water spaces to Storm per turn, or Storm to Water. But not both.
Sadija God Rupanyu Fauluam, Meziri, Limbo May turn one Basic Land space to Desert or Swamp per turn. This costs 5 souls and 50 Mana.
Kair God Rupanyu Fauluam, Meziri, Limbo May double birth rate in one space (not double in Monolith, Artemis cannot cancel)
Altio God Rupanyu Meziri, Limbo Worshippers of Altio multiply their attack strength by 1.5 (regardless of who controls them)
Erupa God Rupanyu Meziri, Fauluam, Limbo May turn one Basic Land space to Desert or Tundra per turn. This costs 5 souls and 50 Mana.
Niu God Rupanyu Meziri, Fauluam, Limbo May make Mortals of 4 religions unable to attack. This lasts until after her controllers attack phase.
Rira God Rupanyu Meziri, Limbo Worshippers of Meziri multiply their movement by 1.5 (round up) Who controls them does not matter.
Zofyenor God Rupanyu Fauluam, Meziri, Limbo May undo one change in status of a mortal per turn (Conversion, Training, or effect of a Godly Action or Miracle) for 150 Mana
Onda God Rupanyu Meziri, Limbo May change the Reformation Status of one Mortal for 1 Soul and 20 Mana.
Kadoni God Rupanyu Fauluam, Limbo Worshippers of Kadoni have only half death rate (regardless of who controls them)
Zaimnnenra God Rupanyu Fauluam, Limbo May double the Death Rate in any two spaces per turn.
Pool Guardians God Rupanyu Limbo May make one Mortal immortal (they will not die from DR and cannot be killed, except with Smite or by Godly Action) for 20 Souls and 150 Mana. Only one per turn.
Zusai God Rupanyu Fauluam, Limbo May kill one Mortal in a Water Land Space or in a space bordering a Water Land space.

Serolin Serelion God Rupanyu Limbo May move 5 Souls from any Afterlife to any other Afterlife.
JHVH God Muslo-Christian Heaven, Gehenna, Limbo May remove 1 Soul per turn from any Afterlife and put it into Heaven. This costs 10 mana
Satan God Muslo-Christian Gehenna, Limbo May turn 1 Priest Mortal individual per turn into an Inquisitor, this costs 5 Souls and 50 Mana.
Lucifer God Muslo-Christian Gehenna, Limbo May turn 1 Priest Mortal individual into a Theologian per turn, this costs 2 souls and 25 mana.
Allah God Muslo-Christian Paradise, Gehenna, Limbo May turn any number of basic mortals controlled by his controller into crusaders per turn for 1 soul 5 mana each..
Zeus God "Good" Greek Elysian Fields, Hades. Limbo May double the Birthrate in one space for one turn, once per turn. for 5 souls
Ares God "Good" Greek Elysian Fields, Hades, Limbo May turn one Militia member to Infantry, or increase 1 Soldier's level by one, this costs 1 soul 15 Mana and he may only do it once per turn.
Poseidon God "Good" Greek Elysian Fields, Hades. Limbo May turn water spaces into storms or storms into water, may only change each space once per turn
Athena God "Good" Greek Elysian Fields, Hades. Limbo Worshippers of Athena multiply their attack strength by 1.5 (regardless of who controls them)
Artemis God "Good" Greek Elysian Fields, Hades. Limbo May cancel Orgies, or Zeus' birthrate doubling.
Apollo God "Good" Greek Elysian Fields, Hades. Limbo May take an extra turn, this costs 20 souls and 20 mana for the first, double for the second, and double again for each afterwards, doubling only if the turns are consecutive.
Dionysus God "Good" Greek Elysian Fields, Hades. Limbo Any of your groups may add one to their attack strength and subtract one from their defense strength, this lasts until the beginning of your next Battle Phase.
Hera God "Good" Greek Elysian Fields, Hades. Limbo May cancel 1 Greek God's action per turn, this costs 5 souls 25 mana, she may also cancel one action taken by Zeus, for free. Mana and Souls spent on the action cancelled are still spent.
Eris God Greek Hades, Limbo May make Mortals of one religion able to fight each other for one turn, only one religion per turn.
Hades God Greek Hades, Limbo May remove Souls from Hades and put them into any other Afterlife.
Hecate God Greek Hades, Limbo When Hecate uses cards they only cost 1/2 Mana and 1/2 Souls. Round up.
Thor God "Good" Norse Valhalla, Hel, Limbo May kill 1 Mortal per turn for 5 souls and 15 mana.
Odin God "Good" Norse Valhalla, Hel, Limbo Player owning Odin may look at other player's hands.
Balder God "Good" Norse Valhalla, Hel, Limbo May take souls from Valhalla and play them into any space with worshippers of Balder in your control in it, they fight like Infantry, but do not give Mana and do not produce Souls when they die. The BR and DR of Souls from Valhalla are both 0. They do not count for God control.
Freya God "Good" Norse Valhalla, Hel, Limbo May cancel 10 Mortal actions per turn, free, this includes moving, fighting, training to be a different kind of Mortal, and any special actions Mortals can take (if there is a question about it Freya can probably cancel it) This does not include birth and death
Hel God Norse Hel, Limbo May remove souls from Hel and put them into any other afterlife
Loki God Norse Hel, Limbo May use the special power of any other god in play, this costs Loki 5 souls and 5 Mana, in addition to any costs for the power itself, When using Athena's power it counts for one mortal action (one attack)
Ymir God Norse Hel, Limbo May place one Jotun per turn into any space containing worshippers of Ymir that you control, this costs 10 souls and 50 mana
Anubis God Egyptian Egyptian Afterlife, Limbo May double the DR in one space for one turn, once per turn
Horus God Egyptian Egyptian Afterlife, Limbo May kill one mortal per turn for 5 souls and 15 mana
Ra God Egyptian Egyptian Afterlife, Limbo May turn one basic land to desert per turn. This costs 5 souls and 50 mana
Osiris God Egyptian Egyptian Afterlife, Limbo May remove souls from Egyptian Underworld and put them into any other afterlife
Set God Egyptian Egyptian Afterlife, Limbo May remove three souls per turn from any afterlife and put them into the Egyptian Underworld
Isis God Egyptian Egyptian Afterlife, Limbo When Isis uses cards they only cost 3/4 of the Mana and 3/4 of the souls. Round down.
Lord+Lady God Celtic Reincarnation, Limbo May kill worshippers of the lord and lady which you control. May double the mana produced in one space, once per turn, for 1 Soul.
Yama God Indian Reincarnation, Limbo May remove 9 souls per turn from any afterlife and place them into Reincarnation
Kali God Indian Reincarnation, Limbo May kill one mortal per turn for 5 souls
Shiva God Indian Reincarnation, Limbo May turn one basic land to Mountain per turn for 5 souls 25 mana
Raven God American Happy Hunting Grounds, Limbo May place one prostitute into any space containing worshippers of Raven that you control, once per turn, this costs 1 soul and 25 mana
Coyote God American Happy Hunting Grounds, Limbo may place 1 wolf into any space with worshippers of Coyote that you control, once per turn, this costs 1 soul and 15 mana