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an introduction to

The Africa Jurisdiction

Draft Legislation

Africa Jurisdiction Authority Bill


In humble submission to God, We the people of Africa, members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church declare that:

There is a need to create a new order in which the Africa members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church will be entitled to govern themselves;

An in order to secure the achievement of this goal, the members of the Church in Africa should be mandated to adopt a new legislation in accordance with the draft Bill;

and it is necessary for such purposes that provision should be made for the promotion of Africa Jurisdictional Authority and the restructuring and continued governance of the Africa Continent of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Now therefore the following provisions are adopted as the Africa Jurisdiction Authority.

    1. NAME
    The name of this body shall be the Africa Jurisdictional Authority.

    The Africa Jurisdictional Authority shall;

  1. Implement the mission and purpose of the African Methodist Episcopal Church as stated in the Book of Discipline;
  2. Be the representatives of the Africa Continent, African Methodists Churches in the General Conference;
  3. Be the highest body in Africa and be amenable to the General Conference, together with the African Methodist Episcopal Church present organisational structure;
  4. Unite all African Methodists in Africa under one umbrella body representing Africa Interests.
  5. Develop Bishops of Africa decent.


i. The Africa Jurisdictional Authority shall function as an independent wing under the General Conference with the following divisions;
  1. Africa Bishopric Council
  2. General Board
  3. Judicial Board
  4. Africa Conference

ii. The Africa Continent A.M.E. Church shall be represented at the General Conference by members elected in accordance with the A.M.E. Discipline at the Africa Conference.

iii The General Board shall follow the structure of the General Board of the Connectional Church.

iv The Judicial Board shall serve as the Judicial Authority in Africa under the Judicial Council.

v. Africa Bishopric Council shall be the Executive Branch of the A.J.A with the General oversight of the Church in Africa during the interim of the Africa Conference and General Conference.

vi. Membership of the A.J.A shall all be members of the A.M.E Church in Africa

vii Membership to the Africa Conference shall be according to the rank of election and an equal number of ministerial and lay delegates elected by each of the Annual Conferences. Other official members are:- General Officers in Africa, college Presidents in Africa, Deans or Presidents of Theological Seminaries in Africa, Presidents of Episcopal organisations and auxiliaries in Africa


  1. There shall be established an Africa Jurisdictional Council
  2. It shall be elected at the first sitting of the Africa Conference, which shall be convened within 30 days after the closing of the 46th General Conference in the year 2000.
  3. The first sitting of the Africa Conference shall be called by and presided over by the present Senior Bishop in Africa who shall be assisted by Bishop presently serving in Africa.
  4. The A.J.C shall be composed of:
    a. Al serving Bishops in Africa
    b. One ministerial, One Lay, and One youth from each Episcopal District.
  5. The A.J.C. shall have authority over all Episcopal Districts in Africa.
  6. It shall be vested with the full authority to promulgate laws for the Africa Jurisdiction of the A.M.E. Church, which laws shall not conflict or abridge any of the general laws of the church as contained in the Discipline.
  7. It shall see to the implementation of the A.J.A as stated herein above.
  8. It shall establish all Boards, Committees, Commissions and all other structures needed for the establishment and the running of the A.J.A.
  9. During its period in transition it shall have the full authority to:

    1. Correlate the work of various departments in relation to the financial interests of the A.J.A.
    2. Raise and disburse funds as approved in meetings. All financial statements shall be audited.
    3. Discharge all duties necessary and not in conflict with the Discipline of the A.M.E. Church for the success and smooth running of its work.

  10. Funding of the A.J.C shall come from:

    1. The Budget of the Church
    2. Other sources

  11. The first meeting of the A.J.C. Shall be held within 14 days after the holding of the 1st Africa Conference, and shall thereafter meet whenever it shall be necessary for the implementation of the Africa goal.

  12. The A.J.C shall cease to exist after implementation of the necessary structures such as the Africa Bishopric Council, at a duly constituted Africa Conference by the Senior Bishop in Africa

The A.J.A hereby reiterates its commitment to the doctrine and discipline of the A.M.E Church as a whole and shall remain bound by it.

Amendments to this legislation shall be done in accordance with the discipline and shall be passed at the General Conference.

The Current doctrine and discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church shall govern the proceedings of this body.

Under Construction 16 August 1999.
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Now Africa asks the Bishops of our church, the General Board and all it members to ..

The Pan African Methodist Episcopal Church Summit

March 10 – 12 1999 Protea Hotel Johannesburg


THE RT REV H.B. SENATLE, Bishop 15th Episcopal District
THE RT REV. C.G. Henning, Bishop 19th Episcopal District

Acknowledging the presence of the Almighty God and saluting the Bishops of our church, all member present, we beg leave to submit the following resolutions:

WHEREAS the African Episcopal Districts here today have indicated a great need for the establishment of an Africa Jurisdiction Authority: and

WHEREAS, The African Episcopal Districts here today show their willingness and are ready to govern their own affairs: and

WHEREAS The present structure in the African Methodist Episcopal Church does not fully satisfy the needs, aspirations, beliefs, cultures and structures of the Africa members of the Africa Methodist Episcopal Church: and

WHEREAS, The Africa Continent feels marginalized, economically and politically: and

WHEREAS, The Africa Continent does not enjoy proportional representation in the general government divisions and authorities of the African Methodist Episcopal Church: and

WHEREAS,the necessity to recognise the special nature of the need for Africa to rule itself is critical for our survival and subsequent prosperity; and

WHEREAS, The present mechanism of our church that addresses Africa Issues is vitually ineffective;

BE IT RESOLVED , That legislation be enacted at the 46th Session of the General Conference that establishes an Africa Jurisdictional Authority; and

BE IT RESOLVED , That a committee be elected from all Episcopal Districts in Africa, to be called the ALL AFRICA JURISDICTION COMMITTEE, and be empowered to necessitate the implementation and approval of the draft legislation by the African Methodist Episcopal Church Governmental Divisions and Authorities: and

BE IT RESOLVED , That the draft legislation presented here today be referred to the Legislative Task Forces of the Annual Conferences of the African Continent which shall hear, edit, prepare the legislation after consultation with members of their respective Districts, for submission to the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and that the Legislative Task Forces shall submit the legislation in time for the 46th Session of the General Conference to be held in the year 2000: and

BE IT RESOLVED ,That we salute Bishops Harold Ben Senatle and Cornal Garnett Henning Snr. for the commitment to Africa Empowerment.

IN CONCLUSION , The African Methodist Episcopal Church is rich in its diversity of cultures. We must emphasise our unity as African Methodists in the one mission to which we are called. As an international denomination, it is imperative that we strive to provide opportunities which will emphasise the fact that we are partners in Missions (1996 Discipline 305/6)

Respectfully submitted

Rev. M.D Phetlu - Rev. W.T Vengesayi - Rev. M.M. Senkhane
Bro, M.J. Maiwashe - Rev. A.B. Lewin - Rev. F.L. Membe
Bro. W.N. Nduna - Rev. L.M. Mbulawa - Rev. P. Kawimbe
Ms. Sandra Jacobs - Rev J.M. Mbulawa - Rev. R. Manjinja Mahlong
Ms. Phillip F. Baduza.

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Evangelist Clive Pillay Ordained as an Itinerant Deacon in the Mocambican Conference

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