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Program Evalution for Youth Groups

Below is an outline of a tried and tested program to organise youth activities. Whilst this is not the yea and amen of program-planning, it certainly is a reaped benefits in the area applied to.

A team of “program planners” need to be involved in order to get an accurate reflection of the evening’s activities. Throughout the program each one will evaluate each aspect of the program as indicated on the evaluation sheet, and at the end, an average is worked out depending on the amount of leaders involved. This will help to identify the area that need to be worked on in order to have a successful youth movement.

Program Evaluation Sheet
Activity Percentage
Main Excercise

This refers to the ‘air” that exists through the program. Are people anxiously waiting for what’s about to happen. Did they look forward to being at the meeting? Is the air “abuzz” with excitement as people express their joy of once again meeting for a few hours. Did people “mix” with one another or, did the same cliques just stick together in their little groups?

Did the evening start and end on time? Certain things are to be planned to happen at a specific time the evening. You must be able to monitor and plan things to happen at a planned time. You need to know when you are half-way through the evening, not because of the time, but because you are at a specific place in your program

Apart from the “main exercise “ of the evening, you need to build in little interludes. These are ideas shared by individuals, an observation perhaps that need our attention being drawn to. It is a part of the program where the individual is given an opportunity to share his/her talents.

Every program need to be planned to have at least a 40% of those attending participating. We cannot get together and only have the president, secretary and treasurer babbling the whole night. We need to have the ideas, concerns of those attending. If this figure is not reached, we can rest assured that we are only going through the motions.

Whilst this may sound the same as participation, it is not. What are the members doing when topics/ideas are being shared. Are they involved or are they busy sharing the week-end’s experiences and activities with their friends. People are not involved when the program is not interesting or relevant

This is a sure sign whether the leaders are prepared for the evening or not. The continuity from one activity to another indicates that things are about to/must happen the evening. It is not a case of fumbling around in the dark not knowing what to do.

Main Excercise
The body of the evening. This is what the main discussion/activity for the evening is all about. Did you succeed in making people more aware of whatever topic was handled.

reflects the kind of research that went into the presentation the main exercise or evening. What vehicles were used to present the message. What resources were outsourced? What audio/visual equipment were used to enhance the program/message. Were there any material available on standby in case the speaker/presenter for the evening did not pitch up?

The most thought-provoking part of the evening. Youth people are given the opportunity to present the Gospel to other young people in their own language. The idea is not to see how perfect the message comes across or is understood. The idea is to grant an opportunity for them to reach out to their peers. (All epilogues especially must be written and presented to the team-leaders before being presented at a program)Writing goes for precise thinking.

EvaluationThe total of the above example is 765. There are 10 different activities, therefore the evaluator of this sheet has given the whole evening a total of 76.5%
If there were say four other team leaders with the following; 85, 65.5, 59 and 90% then the evening judged by the five team-leaders would have received a total of 376. Divide this by the five (no. of team-leaders) and from the team’s point of view, the evening was rated 75.2 Not easily achieved in the beginning stages, but with the passage of time, this will be chicken-feed.

Happy program-planning any contact me if you have any queries re youth-work.

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Evangelist Clive Pillay Ordained as an Itinerant Deacon in the Mocambican Conference

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