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Evangelist Rev. Clive Pillay's

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Meditation for the Month

Greetings in the Triune Name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour and thank you so much for taking the time for this meditation.

There's been much awe and inspiration from the latest eclipse by the people of the "world". We as Christians however ought not to stand in awe of sights like these. Everyday when we wake up, look around us we need to be reminded of the goodness of the Lord.

I believe God is simply making an attempt to show and tell us how much He loves and cares for us. Everything that happens to us whether good or bad, is God's way of PROVING that He loves us. I believe that in your life and mine there are no more ways for God left to SHOW how much He loves us. Ungrateful as we are, God has rescued us from trouble time and time again, yet like the nine healed, this means nothing to us, we expect God to do it over and over again. Do we realise the power we are surrounded with, protecting us from dangers unknown? Who is it that wipes our tears from our eyes when we are so alone and sometimes forgotten? When the waves rolled around us and the storm was calmed .. was this not God in His way showing His love for us?

Every morning we wake up, in our full senses, sane as we went to sleep.When we were weak, God sent His angels to CARRY US through the trials and tribulations.It is He that put the food on our table, answers when we call on Him, our bodies wrecked by pain. Above all when were we lost in sin and the folly of this world, He sent His Son to die on the cross.

This was not done because God was forced or had no other way to go, but this is done just to show how much He loves us.

...for while we yet sinners, Christ died for us!!. 


Matthew 20 has an interesting record that is worthwhile us taking extra note of. The 5 foolish young ladies in question were locked out when the bridegroom came, not because they never had any oil!!. 

The recorded history records the fact that they never had enough oil, and thus had to go out and buy some more. Another interesting point to note is that it was well past the hour of mid-nite when the Bride-groom came.

Our involvement in the church of Christ is often the cause of our mis-guided complacency in the faith. Many of us are so contented with the fact that we belong to a church, visit it regularly and support it. We have a vague recollection of what we have been taught in Sunday School etc. The saying that "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous things" is of great importance here. There is no way that we can continue this Christian journey of ours with what we have learnt in our younger days. The young ladies knew the scriptures, they had a little bit of knowledge "oil". Unfortunately it was not enough to see them through until the Bridegroom came. Our oil at one time or the other will run a bit low, and whilst we seek to replace it, it may be then that the Bridegroom returns.

It was well past mid-nite when the Bridgroom came. The book of Peter records that it is not that the Lord is not coming back as many suppose, but His coming is delayed that many more might be saved. Many people are so relaxed these days, thinking that the Lord will not return ..for the time is far gone. Past mid-nite means that the Lord should actually have returned already, but alas not even He knows when the Father will allow Him to come back. The unfaithful servant got drunk and enjoyed himself because the Master tarried. This drunk is not that brought about by wine, but really drunk with all kinds of doctrine/spiritually. Those who have been put in charge to feed the fold are presently busy looking after their own comforts, they have their own agenda and God's people perish.

Now is the time to stand back and see where you are presently. You may be involved in a church, active, but not busy with the task of the Master. You may be busy promoting the program of the church while God's mission to you lay gathering dust. Please wake up, rise and go and do what the Master want you to do, it may be later than you think

Let God's love change your life

Contact me now should you have a need for prayer, or would just like to share your desires and prayer with some-one. Help is much closer that you can ever imagine:

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Previous Meditations

Hold on

God is not Finished with the AME Church yet

There is a friend that stickest closer than a brother

People need the Lord

What a soothing thought to know

He Careth for you