BiB: Blondes in Black (Paranormal Investigators for Hire)

One Third "X-Files," One Third "Men In Black," and one third "Charlie's Angels," BiB, Blondes in Black is a for-hire, under the table UFO/alien research and detective agency. It is my satirical take on the corruption and lies the government has created in "hiding the UFO's from the people."

Our Heroines

June, 1988...Graduation day at the University of California, Los Angeles...the UCLA Bruins wore blue caps and gold gowns. Somewhere in the crowd were Zoe Black, Angel DeLorean, and Venus Price. Though they were very different, they were the best of friends. All were excellent students with bright futures. Zoe was a quiet, contemplative student of history and political science. Angel was an activist who studied archeaology and environmental science. Venus, outwardly a "typical blonde," was in truth very intelligent, studying communications and computer science. They always dreamed of starting a business after college, but never expected it to happen so soon. They also never expected that business to be...

"BiB: Blondes in Black"

(Paranormal Investigators for Hire)

Angel Delorean earned a number of grants to study the ancient wonders, and she was successful for a time at uncovering hidden treasures in Egypt, Central and South America, and even in ancient forests of central Africa. This all changed in 1992 when she made an uncertain find: An unknown metal alloy amidst the ruins of an Aztec temple in South America. All methods of dating this metal were inconclusive, and the theory she posited was laughed at and riduculed by her colleagues. Angel thought it was an alien artifact, and centered all her studies at proving this.

After two years of searching for ellusive answers, Angel turned to her closest friends for help. Zoe had become a prominent detective for the FBI, famous for solving a number of "closed, unsolved" cases. Venus, on the other hand, was working for the CIA. Venus had used her stunning good looks to help gain information on terrorists, spies, and others who would hurt America. When Angel asked for their help, they gave it willingly.

Neither of them expected much to come of their "unnoficial investigations" into aliens, but they were both surprised. They discovered the truth behind "Area 51," among other things. They also discovered a number of inconsistencies withing the "Alien mythos." It was, the three women decided, highly unlikely that the alien ship captured by the United States in the 1950's was related to earlier, prehistoric alien visitations.

It was at this point in their investigations that they were discovered by the "powers that be" in Washington. They had found the truth, and those who tried to obscure it had caught on to it. Angel and Zoe were immediately blacklisted by the intelligence organizations they worked for, and finally in 1994 they were asked to resign. It was then that Zoe got the idea of creating BiB: Blondes in Black.

In 1995, BiB had it's first client. They managed to catch a handful of kids using flashlights and metal discs to create the illusion of UFO's. The L.A. papers had a field day with it, but BiB kept at it and, in 1997, were rewarded for their efforts. They were hired by an enigmatic man named Charles Wheaton Vanderhaus as "independent sources." All they had to do was share any relevant alien findings with his team of scientists and they would receive a monthly stipend of $3,000 apiece. Virtually bankrupt, BiB agreed to his terms.

The arrangement worked out extremely well. BiB had all the money they needed to effectively study alien evidence, as well as access to Vanderhaus' scientific database. This increased their success, and therefore their client base. What Vanderhaus used the information for was never their concern...


There have been at least four groups of aliens to visit Earth so far. Humans, who have only had contact with one alien race, assumes that all alien evidence leads to that race. This is a key mistake -- linear thinking -- which has built confusion around the alien question.

1. The Immortals: They once knew other names, but this is the only one they now know. They were exiled from their home planet(s) ages ago for various crimes and placed on Earth, which was a prison colony of sorts. The Immortals spread themselves across the globe, building civilizations around them and living as gods. They built great families around them, the Olympians and the Atlanteans to name a few. They were responsible for the early evidence of aliens on this planet such as the Pyramids, the Aztec cities, and Stone Henge.

2. The C'thanites (Ka-tha-nite-z): The C'thanites sent a single explorer to discover "the fabled Earthland" in what was our Middle Ages. His name was Abricht, but on Earth he was called "Redman," for the C'thanite pigment is red. C'thanites are incredibly strong and have superhuman powers. Redman left Earth after only eighty years, and a great civilization of intergalactic warriors was create on C'thana in following his philosophy. The C'thanites have been unable to find Earth since his death, but hope to one day conquer the Earthlings, who they beleive are another great warrior race. In so doing, they believe they would prove their worth in the intergalactic community.

3. The Biklari (Bi-klar-ee): These are the aliens humans are most interested in, because they are the only one we've made contact with. The Biklari are a proud, intellectual race of beings who are both telepathic and advanced as a culture. They are a trader race and the sworn enemies of the C'thanites. They have been exploring Earth since the 1940's in hopes of finding something worht trading for. So far they have been unsuccessful. They have only recently realized that we captured one of their fallen spacecrafts (The Roswell incident) and are making veiled efforts to recover it.

4. The Harashi (Ha-ra-shee): This race of aliens, who are lizardlike in appearance, have been homeless for almost two hundred years and are looking for somewhere to live. The C'thanites, in their imperial quest, attacked their home world, and in the end made it uninhabitable. They did not expect the Harashi to fight with such zeal and fervor to retain their freedom...going so far as to destroy their own eco-systema and make the planet uninhabitable rather than allow another race to take it as their own. Their cry for freedom: "Our home or no one's." The air on their planet is like poison now, and they have been living in huge, organic spaceships as they seek a new home. One such spaceship is parked on the other side of Mars, as surgically altered "explorers" judge the merits of Earth and it's potential as a new homeworld. They have no intention of warring against the Earthlings. They assume a human appearance and live amongst them.

The Plot Thickens

The "explorers" on Earth are there to judge the culture, history, technology, and social structures of the planet. They have been surgically altered and placed into professions -- lawyers, doctors, and such -- which will yield the maximum data for their search. They are NOT to intereact with humans except to gather information. One "explorer" broke the rule. He dissappeared and created a false name, in the name of personal freedom. He has been missing since 1984.

In 1988, he had gotten a job as a truck driver. One night he met a woman and, despite the "regulations," he had relations with her, creating a child. The child is the center of the BiB story, as The Nameless make contact with the boy, who believes he is human (he's half right), and eventually send an armed force to retreve him...and his wayward father.

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