Mojo Links

This is a list of places I visit on the internet. Many of them are comics-related, though many of them are personal. I hope you visit them all, and enjoy. This is just the beginning, and I will add lots more later.

These links are to the Home Pages of family members. I'm sort of obliged to put them here.

These are some chat links. I used to chat in late night radio host Art Bell's chat rooms, but once they were cancelled, these rooms were created. Most of the chatters are pretty cool, and have interesting things to say.

These are role playing links. Yes, I'm a role-playing geek, and proud of it. The way I see it, role-playing is like writing, only it's a group effort.

Submissions guidelines links. I haven't found a page that has links JUST for submissions guidelines. I found most of these when I realized my first project has eight full pages pencilled, inked, and almost lettered...and that I didn't know who/what/where to submit to. If there are others out there on the internet, I WANT ' send them to me.

These are some cool comics home pages, some of them belong to my co-conspirators, others are just cool...
