Rasta & Shade

Zaire...home to some of the deadiest and most terrifying diseases known to man...none so dangerous as the ancient power that is awakening in the heart of the rainforests there...The Soulstone.

The ancient onyx stone, which calls itelf The Heart of Darkness has baffled the Magi for hundreds of years, even causing a rift amongst them. Where once there was a respect among individual Mages, there are now "Orders" of Magic and petty rivalries and disputes between these Orders have replaced the quest for true knowledge. All this chaos was caused by a dormant artifact...imagine it's power now as it attempts to regain it's consciousness.

The keeper of the Soulstone for the last four hundred years, Sage, has gone mad and intends to bring the infernal artifact to life. He has disgraced the individualistic Third (or Elemental) Order of Mages, and one of it's youngest members, Rasta, intends to stop him before his festering madness can cause irreperable damage. The only thing standing in Rasta's way...The First and Second Orders of Mages.

The First Order, or "The Holy Order," wants the Soulstone and Sage destroyed. The Second, or Demonic, Order wants Sage and the Soulstone to join their side. None of them expect what is about to occur:

What will they do when the ceremony goes wrong? How will they react when the sacrificial lamb, a young American girl, accidently absorbs the power of Darkness and uses it against them?

...find out, in Rasta & Shade

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