Rainbird #1, pp. 8-12, by Richard A. Nelson

This is a pretty straight forward scene, with some light plot elements. Brian is touching up the pencils for this page now, and they're great!

PAGE EIGHT, 5 Panels

Panel 1, A panoramic scene of the block which is representative of the Blue Quarter’s character...A tenement building sits to the left, mostly off panel. four bums are slouched up next to the wall on the sidewalk. One has a “Will Work For Food” sign. To the right is a four-story L-Shaped building with an empty parking lot except for a white van. A large neon sign reads “Kozy Korner Hotel.” Further to the right is a telephone booth. The glass is all broken out, and a black man is using the telephone. Outside the phone booth is an oriental woman dressed like a prostitute. Trash and debris are strewn about randomly. Two streets, one (mostly off panel) is in the foreground, while the other bisects the two buildings. Rainbird is on her motorcycle, pulling into the parking lot.

1. CAP: The Blue Quarter

2. RAINBIRD (Th.): This part of town used to be a reputable neighborhood, home to the hard-working, blue collar backbone of New Mission. Then the gangs and drugs came, and now it’s a slum.

Panel 2, Rainbird is picking the lock on one of the second floor motel doors. There are rusted, paint-chipped rails between the reader and Rainbird.

1. RAINBIRD (Th.): Nobody here cares who you are or what you’re doing.

2. SFX: click-clack

Panel 3, Rainbird stands inside the motel room, one gun drawn and held ready, as she looks around. She is touching the side of the television with her free hand. The room is cluttered: unmade bed, trash from leftover Chinese takeout on the night stand, clothes on the floor.

1. RAINBIRD (Th.): Hmm...TV’s warm. He can’t be far.

Panel 4, Rainbird (left) is looking at the half-open door (right) which leads to the bathroom where a dirty little sink and part of the shower curtain can be seen.

1. RAINBIRD (Th.): It’s a great place to hide...unless you’ve got a pro after you...

PAGE 9, 5 Panels

Panel 1, Rainbird is in the bathroom holding the shower curtain open with the nose of the gun held in her left hand. There is a medium sized window which is open.

1. RAINBIRD (Th.): He’d have to be pretty skinny to fit through that window, which means--

Panel 2, From Rainbird’s viewpoint, the open door partially covers a closet behind it, which is also open, though only about an inch or so.

1. RAINBIRD (Th.): -- He’s in the closet.

2. RAINBIRD: Hello, in there. You can come out now.

Panel 3, Side view, closet has been thrown open, and a man is jumping out with a baseball bat. The man is wearing a tee shirt and boxer shorts, and is roughly 6 feet tall and of medium build. He has short dark hair. His face is fear and rage. Rainbird, startled, is backing up awkwardly.

1. BLYER: Damn you! So help me god I’ll kill you!


Panel 4, Blyer is finishing up a Babe Ruth-like swing which has knocked Rainbird into the bathtub, where she is laying. Her legs are slung over the front of the tub, and her forehead and hair are matted with blood.



Panel 5, Blyer has the bat pulled back over his right shoulder and is preparing to take another swing at her. His face is still twisted in rage.

1. BLYER: Die you filthy assassin whore!

PAGE 10, 4 Panels

Panel 1, Close-up of Rainbird’s right hand holding a pistol which has fire coming out of it, having just been fired.


Panel 2, Blyer is still holding the bat over his right shoulder, but there is a hole about two inches above where his hands grasp it. From there, it is split and fragmented into splintery spikes. His face has a confused look as he looks at it out of the corner of his eye.

1. BLYER: Dear God...

Panel 3, Full-view of Rainbird, who is leaning back in the tub on her left hand and pointing the gun upward towards Blyer with her right hand. Smoke drifts up from the pistol. Her legs are still awkwardly laying over the front edge of the tub, and her left eye is closed as she aims it. Blood drips down the left side of her face and a thin line of it drips over the closed eye.

1. RAINBIRD: I can forgive you for the blow to the head. You were scared. But you called me a whore and I expect an apology. That was out of line.

2. RAINBIRD: By the way, I’m here to help you.

Panel 4, Close-Up of Blyer’s face, his left hand is scratching the top of his head in confusion. He is squinting in embarrassment as he speaks.

1. BLYER: Oh...Umm...

2. BLYER: Sorry.

PAGE 11, 4 Panels

Panel 1, Blyer has Rainbird’s hand in his as he helps her up out of the tub.

1. RAINBIRD: No Problem, just don’t let it happen again.

2. BLYER: Sure, Ok...what do you mean you’re here to help? Are you working for Code R.E.D.*? Did the Inspector send you?

3. RAINBIRD: No. You’re selling something to Code R.E.D. Some information, correct?

4. CAP: *Code R.E.D. (Research, Evaluation, and Development) is a secret government organization specializing in the study of alien findings, spiritual phenomenon, and mystic anomalies for the development of improved technology -- Ed.

Panel 2, Rainbird, standing in front of the mirror, is holding a washcloth to her wounded head. The back of her head is in the foreground, but her face, as well as Blyer’s (who is standing just behind her) can be seen in the mirror.

1. BLYER: I, uh...well, I --

2. RAINBIRD: It’s a computer disc with evidence which is damning to Toby Z, correct?

3. BLYER: Well, yes but --

Panel 3, Rainbird brushes past Blyer and is walking through the doorway to the main room. She is holding the washcloth, now darkened with blood, to here head. Blyer stands in the background.

1. RAINBIRD: I want it. in exchange, I’ll do what I can to keep you alive. You do understand that Toby Z’s assassins are coming for you as we speak.

2. BLYER: But the inspector...I told him --

3. RAINBIRD: Let me make it clear, Mr. Blyer. I used to be a member of the Hit List. That’s what Toby Z calls his elite assassins. The leader of the Hit List, a guy by the name of Ratio --

4. BLYER: I know who Ratio is. And I know you’re called Rainbird.

Panel 4, Rainbird stands facing Blyer, looking up at him slightly so she can look into his eyes.

1. RAINBIRD: Good. Then you know that I know how he works. I also know that he knows you’re here and that he’s coming for you. You have a choice. Give me what I want and I’ll help you or --

PAGE 12, 5 Panels

Panel 1, Close-up/Side view, Rainbird is face to face with Blyer.

1. BLYER: -- Or I can face him alone

2. RAINBIRD: Precisely. Now get me something to stop this bleeding. And get dressed. Quick, we’ve got to get mobile.

Panel 2, Rainbird pulls back the window curtains slightly and peeks out. Blyer hands her a large shirt.

1. BLYER: Sure thing. Why are you helping me? I thought you worked for Toby Z?

2. RAINBIRD: My reasons are my own, so don’t sweat it, all right?

3. RAINBIRD: Thanks.

Panel 3, Rainbird, still looking out the window.

1. RAINBIRD: Damn.

Panel 4, Blyer stands in the middle of the room, tucking a button-up shirt into his trousers.

1. BLYER: What? What are you looking at?

Panel 5, A view from the window, as seen by Rainbird. There is a rail along the walkway, and to the right is a stairway to ground level. The oriental prostitute (from Page 8, Panel 1) is climbing the stairs and carrying two sai swords. Straight ahead, the White van has it’s headlights on. To the left, the man on the phone has stepped out of the booth and is looking up toward the room.

1. CAP: Obstacles. Get the disc and give it to me.

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