Entry: December 26, 1998
Title: Merry Christmas!

Well howdy-doo! It's been just a FEW days since my last entry! I've been really busy... and LOVING IT!

I have been OVERWHELMED with queries and requests to provide analysis, coverage, and proofing of scripts! I am surprised! I really didn't expect this kind of response! I was just looking to keep busy in my free time!

I'm cutting down my subbing days to spend more time helping other writers out! UNFORTUNATELY, that means I have to charge for the analysis/coverage service! I'm sooo sorry! I've still made it cheaper than anywhere you could possibly find on the net!

If you find any place cheaper... let me know!

I LOVE doing it, but with the response I've had, more time is involved! Thank you all for your interest!

My Work:
My producer flew into town a few weeks back. She visited this web sight and left a message in my guestbook (K.T.). I'm sorry, but I won't be dropping her name! Heh, heh! She'd kill me, I'm sure!

We spoke on the phone a few times and BOY did I learn a few things!

It turns out, a few scenes I had in my script were not that accurate to the fashion industry (the setting of the story).

They were minute things, but they ended up being important enough to affect nearly 5 or 6 different scenes!


But that's ok! I love the thinking part! I just read my script right before crashing at night, and all kinds of ideas come to me!

I'm working on it now. It's going quite well.

Christmas was great! I especially loved coming home and finding e-mails and queries from you guys! Thanks again you guys!

I'll just keep pumping them out!


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