Entry: December 26, 1998
Title: Merry Christmas!
Well howdy-doo! It's been just a FEW days since my last entry! I've been really busy... and LOVING IT!
I have been OVERWHELMED with queries and requests to provide analysis, coverage, and proofing of scripts! I am surprised! I really didn't expect this kind of response! I was just looking to keep busy in my free time!
I'm cutting down my subbing days to spend more time helping other writers out! UNFORTUNATELY, that means I have to charge for the analysis/coverage service! I'm sooo sorry! I've still made it cheaper than anywhere you could possibly find on the net!
If you find any place cheaper... let me know!
I LOVE doing it, but with the response I've had, more time is involved! Thank you all for your interest!
My Work:
My producer flew into town a few weeks back. She visited this web sight and left a message in my guestbook (K.T.). I'm sorry, but I won't be dropping her name! Heh, heh! She'd kill me, I'm sure!
We spoke on the phone a few times and BOY did I learn a few things!