Submission Form

Script Title
Author #1
Author #2
Zip/Postal Code
Day Phone Ext
Evening Phone

Make Selection
Proof Reading/Grammar
$80.00 US
$100.00 US
Format Typing
$200.00 US
Click here if using a Credit Card

If paying by Check or Money Order, please mail the following items to the address below:
  • Screenplay
  • Completed Submission Form
  • Signed Terms & Conditions Form (below)
  • The necessary fees made payable to: DTA

c/o Indie Film Group
817 Aaron Dr. #106
Lynden, WA 98264

Terms and Conditions
My signature below attests:
  • To the accuracy of the information supplied in the Submission Form.
  • That the material submitted is my sole and original work and that I have the exclusive right to submit it.
  • To my understanding that David T. Adams has no other obligations or compensations owed to me except for the services I've requested on the completed Submission Form.
  • To my understanding that David T. Adams has the right to refuse my submitted materials if not accompanied with a completed Submission Form and/or this signed agreement of Terms and Conditions.
  • To my understanding that my materials will be held in complete confidence by David T. Adams, and that he will not discuss or share them with anyone else unless I've agreed to such disclosure --at which point I expressly waive any compensation for said disclosure. I further understand that if David T. Adams desires to option or arrange for the option of my screenplay for filmmaking or other such commercial use, a separate option contract providing for compensation will require future approval and agreement by the parties at that time.
  • That the burden of obtaining copyright, WGA registration, or otherwise protecting any proprietary interests in the material, if I wish to do so, rests entirely with me.
  • To my understanding that, unless I've provided the funds for postage and handling, screenplays submitted for analysis will not be returned.
  • That no oral or written representations of any kind have been made to me and that this agreement states our entire understanding.
  • That both the completed Submission Form and the signed Terms and Conditions contract should be printed out and sent along with a copy of the material I would like proofread, evaluated, and/or typed into format.

Applicant's signature: ____________________________________

Applicant's Printed Name: ________________________________

Date: ______________

If under 18 years of age, a parent/guardian must sign the release form as well.

Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________

Press Ctrl-P to print these forms

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