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Me! Worship me! You know you want to...
(a.k.a. "information about me")
My real name isn't Lanna Jne, though that would be really kinda nifty. ^^ No, I won't tell you my real name, either. ^.~
I enjoy reading fanfic. All people who know me can confirm this. ^^; It's a bad addiction, but hey, at least it isn't drugs! ^.~ My favourite fandoms are Harry Potter and Gundam Wing - both in the slash category. [I'm such a mad fan for H/D, 1x2x1, 5x2x5 and 1x2x5x2x1.]
I'm still in the symphony, thought I think there's only four of us this year. We had to re-tryout, 'cause of a new sorting system. Oh, well. I also got ursurped (sp?) out of my drum major position, although it wasn't mine to begin with. It still makes me mad, though. >.<
I think that's all for now. No worries, I'll get back to you if it isn't. ^.~