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Stormy's Profile

T.L. Cota


The children are the future, let's
do our part to keep TRADITION alive.

My name is Stormy. I am half of my father who is American Indian and half of my mother who is African American, Mexican and Apache. My travels have taken me from Cancun to the south of France. I lived in Hawaii off and on with my stepfather and his family in my youth. And I was raised in Seattle, Washington.

I am at home in the woods. I love nature, I feel closer to grandfather (god) when I am in the woods. I love all animals and have a particular closeness to hawk, he guides me, and the big cat. I have one cat and a St. Bernard who goes almost everywhere with me, they both mean the world to me.

Being within Mother Earth’s presence, quiet time within a pine wood forest and reading are among my favorite moments in time. Aromatherapy, wood fires and the crisp clean air of Colorado are among the pleasures that awaken my senses.

True friendship, which is hard to find these days, to me is formed through leaving expectations behind, going with the flow of ones heart, a complete and unbiased exception of who ever and what ever that person chooses to be. Life is too short for games and dreams are all about what we want them to be.

I believe that one should not expect too much from another or place one high upon a pedestal, this could be a dangerous place for both parties. I believe in honesty 100%, and I know when I'm being lied to, and with each lie sends me one step closer to Gone. Be yourself, it's the only way to be. Open to change, we are all still in the learning stage, we learn every day, and with each day brings change. I do not believe one should force their believes onto another or judge a person for not believing in what makes you happy, tick, spiritually satisfied. If it is for them they will believe, in due time. if not, so what. I love you for who you are not for who I think you should be. Therefore, Love me for who I am, not who you want me to be. Or leave me alone. Everyone has a choice. And all though time is short, I do not like to be rushed into, onto, around or through anything. That's a good way to get my feathers ruffled. What else ruffles my feathers, well, any person taking advantage of some poor soul who cannot help who or what they are. Lies, deceit, gossip, anyone thinking they are better than another, a holier than thou attitude. The big guy beating up on the little guy. That's what gets me going.

I draw sometimes, and I do bead work sometimes, still learning. When I am in the city, and need to feel close to nature I go to the zoo although I do not like seeing my friends caged there is still a feeling of close kinship. Or when time allows I drive to the nearest Wooded area with Cedric, my dog friend. My job is working with pregnant teens, to help give them a sense of self and stability before they reach the age of 18 and are sent out into this world to fend for themselves. I was a Foster parent for 13 years, a single foster parent, with at least 6 in my home most of the time. I have one biological child and one adopted daughter both grown and on their own. I am very proud of my children, all of them. Although my children are grown my mothering days are far from over. I’m mother to many young adults and teens. This is a little piece of me, I am who I am. The rest is left up to you.

Stormy Cota

For those of you who have a problem with furs, this was passed down to me, a gift from my mother. She wanted a picture of me in it, and it just happens to be one of the best pictures of me I could find, challenging to find a Good photo so I have to use what I can get.... So, Please...Let it go!


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