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"All creatures of sentience deserve to be free - it is our born right. When we overthrow this decadent system that attempts to rule us, we can overthrow the system that rules the mortals as well. We shall be the saviors of the Earth."

The Brujah clan is amost completely composed of rebles of one kind or another, forever searching for the ultimate expression of their individuality. The Brujah are punks, skinheads, bikers, death-rockers, freaks, socialists and anarchists. Theh tend to be stubborn, highly aggressive, ruthless, sensitive to slights, and extremly vengeful. They are mostly uncontrollable of all the kindred.

These malcontents tend to be fanatical in their desparate beliefs-the only thing that unites them is their desire to overthrow the social system, be it vampiric or mortal, and replace it with more of their own making (or with nothing at all). Many are bullheaded crusaders of the worstsort, devoted to their cause until they become blind to many other shades of the truth.

Though the Brujah are incredibly factios, they aid eachother in times of need, regardless of past disputes and antagonisms. If the Brujah call is made, others will respond, but the gathered host will be enraged if they think the call was unwarranted.

The clan is poorly organized and only occasionally holds informal meetings. Indeed, Brujah rely on their chaotic behavior to gain the results they desire. Other Kindred allow them their eccentricities; indeed, certain activities that would get othre Kindred extinguished earn them only the remark "Oh, a Brujah." Insolent outbursts and fevered ravings are to be expected from the Brujah. The other Kindred an amount of leeway which woul dbe given to no other vampire.

Nickname: Reble

Background: Brujah naturally prefer rebles when they chose their progeny. Only rarely is a neonate guided through the process. Typically, new Brujah are left to their own devices, summoned and aided only at the whim of the sire. Often the sire remains anonymous, so as to avoid the wrath of a strict prince. Often a sire will create more than one childe at a time, forming a brood. Brujah don't always seek the permission of the prince when they create progeny, so the chances of the childer's survival are greater if there is a group of them. It is a strategy of numbers - the more progeny created, the more likely some will survive.

Basic Prelude: A life at the bottom breeds two types of people - those who give in and those who fight back. You've fought back since day one and have the scars to prove it. From the time you could walk you were part of the gang, and you took it over when you were 15, killing a man eight years older than you. Being leader brought with it even more pain, as you saw life-long friends gunned down by enemy gangs and arrested by the police. The urge to fight back already strong within you, rose with the passing of every day. Nothing could be more attractive to a brujah, and one dark night you finally given a power to fight back with which you never believed possible.

Concept: Since the clan Brujah normally selects their Neonates from youth of society who are most contemptuous of authority, the concept for this character is a street-gang leader - a punk or gangsta. The character has adopted a flamboyant, rebellious exterior, but deep down is as much interested in having things go his was as he is in changing things. Attributes and Abilities of this character reflects the many years of life spent on the streets and in a gang.

Contacts can be any street lowlife, while the character's Allies and Herd are likely to be drawn from the streetgang itself. Area knowlege focuses on the gang's turf, spreading out into surrounding areas (and eventually the whole city) with decreasing precision.

The character's main weakness is a Willpower of 4. Virtues - particulerly Conscience - could do with boosting if you want to keep your Humanity, especially since the Brujah clan weakness makes it harder for the character to resist Frenzy. A few more points to Talents like Intimidation and Leadership would help the character maintain the streer tough image, and enhanced weapon skills are always handy. The character's Sire may still be around as a Mentor, using the character and gang for odd jobs from time to time. It can help having someone to speak for you to the Elders, as at some point you will be getting into trouble you will need to be getting out of.

Weaknesses: The members of this clan fall into frenzies far more readily than other vampires. However, the Brujah flatly deny this; indeed, they become exceedingly hostile (Even to the point of frenzy) if the subject is raised. The difficulty for frenzy rolls is always two higher than the number listed.

Organization: This clan is poorly organized and rarely meets formally. However, its membership supports the anarchs more than any other clan. Indeed, it lies at the movement's core.

Roleplaying Tips: You owned the street when you were human, and now you've just got a whole lot tougher. Project confidance and aggression with every wordm every gesture. You're hippest of the hip and cruelest of cruel and you'll take no grief from anyone. Well, no mortal, certainly. You're still learning about Vampire, but you'd die rather than let anyone know that you're unsure of yourself, even though your really are sometimes.

Character Sheet: Brujah (Must have Acrobat Reader)

Character Creation: Brujah often have criminal or punk concepts, but many of them are intellectuals as well. They normaly have very aggressive demeanors and very extreme Natures. Physical Attributes are primarily, as are Skills. Brujah commenly have Contacts, Allies, and Herd as their Background Traits.

Clan Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence

Appearance: Brujah tend to dress in whatever stype is the most outrageous of the period, though some dress in a way that conflicks with the rest of the clan so as to be she "most" rebellious. Leather coats, spiked hair, chains and black boots are the common today, as are the various garbs of antiquity, especially thoes of the Renaissance. They may also dress and assume the attitudes of street hoods, neo-Nazis, or even Deadheads.

Basic Equiptment: Colt Anaconda, shoulder hoster, switchblade, leather jacket, assorted Jewlery, combat boots.

Haven: Brujah live wherever they choose, frequently kicking whatever unlucky individuals lived there befor them. By havit they move about quite a bit, never staying in one place for longer than a month. They typically possess many differant "safe houses" where they can hide in some turnmoil. A new tactic of some Brujah is to move in with suburban families. Dominating them submission. The Brujah "hang out" with the family a few weeks, and then move on when they get bored. Certain Brujah "recruit" the rebellious teenagers in the households just befor they move on.

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