This clan is infamous for its destructive and nihilistic members. Malkavians have a reputation for sadistic behavior and for holding little grasp of the humanity they still retain. In truth, such Malkavians are a minority. The members of this clan regulary suprise the Kindred; often they do not seem insaid. Some Kindred belive the Malkavians have an undeserved reputation, and have been sullied by a few truly phychotic members. However, remember that sometimes the most normal-seeming people have the least grasp on reality.
The Malkavians have a time-honored tratition of playing practical jokes upon Kindred and kine alike. The nature of these "pranks" can very wildly, ranging from the harmlessly fun to the potentially leathal. The Malkavians, when they interact with one another at all, tend to award prestige within the clan on the basis of these pranks. Many Malkavians solemnly belive that the Jyhad is a joke created by the founder of their line.
The Malkavians are very picky about whom they Embrace. Typically, only thoes on the verge of insanity are chosen. The members of this clan search long and hard for thoes who have seen so much truth that they descended into the pits of chaos, and thus have unique perspectives on reality. Indeed, if the progeny0to-be is sain, the sire will make the Embrace and Becomming as difficult as possible, seeking to drive the mortal mad in the process.
Nickname: Kooks
Background: The members of this clan only select thoes who are close to death as neonates, or thoes who are so insain that existance as a vampire is of little consequence. They belive all mortals should have a chance to live out their natural lives.
Basic Prelude: Your parents began to worry years ago, when you first started to hurt other children and small animals for fun. A succession of analysts and docters led finally to a small but comferable room in an exclusive sanitarium where you drew the attention of a strange presance. Your skill at creating confusion and misery amounted to an art, and was the main reason for the Embrace. You fought againsrt it the whole time, but secretly loved every instant of it.
Basic Concept: The Malkavians are the lest predictable and least trusted of all the clans, and
this character is no exception. Delighting in chaos, you have nafe a lifetime's hobbu of
throwing a wrench in the works and making the plans of anyone within reach come
crashing down in rusins. Attributes and Abilities are geared twords deception and
Your Herd amd Retainers are almost certainly inmates of an asylum which houses one of
your Havens. It is probably a very high-class and and discreet establishment, since the
Resources indicate that your family was well-ooff. Certainly your hands have never been
soiled with work (not that your even capable of it).
Again the character's weakspoint is Willpower, and the low Conscuence rating. While vert
much in keeping with the character concept, the latter could become a problem. Almost
any Trait could be acquired or added to, since the character is a lifelong dilettante and has
been able to indulge almost any intrest.
Weaknesses: All members of this clan have some sort of Derangement. In fact, characters begin the game with one. THe player may choose any Derangement, but the character will never be able to completely overcome it, no matter how much willpower is spent. The touch of madness is always upon the members of this line.
Organization: Many Malkavians probably do not understand that they are a clan, and the rest are busy denying that they are Malkavians.
Roleplaying Tips: You consider yourself to be a master manipulator, and the world in general to be an ant farm provided for your amusement. You love to drop in a rock from time to time and see them all scurrying around. On the surface you are a polished and charming-perhaps you even a little too hard at that - but very often, you can't suppress a giggle or a flash of psychotic temper.
Character sheet: Malkavian (Must have acrobatic Reader)
Character Creation: Malkavians can have any sort of concept - the weirder the better. They may have a veriety of different Demeanors, which are rarely indiactive of their true Natures. Mental attributes are primary, as the talent Abilities. Malkavians can have nearly any Background Trait.
Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate.
Appearance: The members of this clan have different looks and livevastly different lifestyles.
Basic Equiptment: Strait jacket, anti-phycotic drugs, hypodermic needles, crayons and coloring book.
Haven: Malkavians live anywhere they feel comfertable. Many of them seek out hospitals and asylums to reside in. Some even assume to be inmates by the staff.
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