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Illustrious Knight of the Triangle Recipients for 2004

Steven L. Guffy, REPGC

Norman F. Campo, REPGC

William R. Miller, 33°, SGIG

Karl S. Reith, REPGC

Harry R. Houston, REPGC

Robert J. Johnston, REPGC

Lloyd R. Linn, REPGC

Joel C. Canterbury, EGG

Paul Merighi, EPC

Glenn A. Siron, RENWDC

Lewis D. Peck, REPGC

Eugene D. Alexander, EPC, PMIGM

E. Dalton White, EPC

Kenneth B. Fishcer, MEGM

At the May Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Washington, Resolution 08-05, Passed and made this Meritorious Service Award Permenent.