Here's the moment you've all been waiting for! Some actual Calvin and Hobbes information! From today onwards, I'm going to be updating Hobbes's House heaps and I will be adding more information on the Calvin and Hobbes cast and on the author himself, Bill Watterson. A lot of this information has been found all over the internet and those sites that I have gotten the information from are listed in my Links page.
A major referance site has been Calvin and Hobbes at Martijn's and The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Aniversary Book.
This is the Foreword from "The Essential Calvin and Hobbes" by Charlz M. Schulz, the author of Peanuts (Snoopie).
Bill Waterson draws wonderful bedside tables. I admire that. He also draws great water splashes and living room couches and chairs and lamps and yawns and screams, and all the things that make a comic strip fun to look at. I like the thin little arms on Calvin and his shoes that look like dinner rolls.
__Drawing in a comic strip is infinitely more important than we may think, for our medium must compete with other entertainments, and if a cartoonist does nothing more than illustrate a joke, he or she is going to lose.
__Calvin and Hobbes, however, contains hilarious pictures that cannot be duplicated in any other mediums. In short, it is fun to look at, and that is what has made Bill's work such an admirable success.
- Charles M. Schulz
Random Calvin and Hobbes Quote:_
Colour coding:
Calvin = Light Blue |
Hobbes = Green |
Dad = Orange |
Rosalyn = Purple |
Spaceman Spiff = Yellow