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is a show I fell in love with a few years ago. I was spending the week at Tad's house while my sister was at camp. Tad kept me up late to show me this vampire program that was on at some ungodly hour (at least according to our parents) and thus was discovered Forever Knight.

Here are some of my favorite FK pages. I can't introduce it any better than the people below, so explore and enjoy. Comments, complaints (regarding this page, not theirs, i have no control over that) and questions may be directed to the mail dragon below.

DCE´s Forever Knight Page

Mr. Happy's Forever Knight site

Forever Knight

The Sci-Fi Channel's Forever Knight Page
For those of you fortunate enough to recieve it

Forever Knight - Laura's Place

Forever Knight Main Page

NiteRose's Forever Knight History Link Page
This is rather interesting, but it has less to do with the series than its historical content.

Where I got the dragons....