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Games to Play, Things to Do

These are some of my and my friends' current favorite games to play. At least, the ones that I've gotten around (or had someone else gotten around) to finding links to.

My personal favorite computer game, albeit somewhat old, is Blizzard's Diablo, especially with the Hellfire expansion by Sierra. It's just cool.

My new favorite game is Diablo II. It finally emerged!!! And it is so awesome!!! It looks like it uses the same engine as Baldur's Gate (also cool), with the day/night bit and the rain, way things move... Much coolness!!! You HAVE to play this!!!

I also play many tabletop games including:




Star Wars (although only once or twice)

Star Trek (again, only a couple of times, each with different gms, though)

AD&D (minorly, i don't really like the system, except how ken runs it, but i haven't had more than a couple dms so this may change)



Marvel Super Heroes

Amber, a diceless roleplying game based on the books by Roger Zelazny

Deadlands (currently in a game on Saturday nights)

Battletech/Mechwarrior (different yet mixed together for that just-ended long-ish running game. ask my gm, i never understood it... but it worked! much fun...)

anything else someone asks if I want to play.

and any rpg one of my friends is trying to invent and needs playtesters for (currently kyle is working on a game).

I also play LARP Vampire/Werewolf/Changeling (gen world of darkness), but I like tabletop better.

All right, enough of the chatter, the page should be done loading, do please peruse these links and enjoy....

In Nomine a cool game by Steve Jackson Games

Bits and Pieces

Peregrine Home Page Home to the amusing game, Murphy's World.

Diablo Stuff:

Blizzard Games

Blizzard's Authorized Fan Site Links

Freshman Diablo
Lotsa stuff to look at...

Diablo Multiplayer Guide to Rogues
I usually play rogues or bards and this looks like an interesting page.

Shadowrun Stuff

Shadowrun page via Fasa site

The Shapeshifter's Lair
This looks interesting...

Shadow Armory

Here There Be Shadows

EarthDawn Stuff

Fasa Page
The makers of Earthdawn. Unfortunately, it's out of print now, but it's still a cool game with loyal followers including myself. Update: I was recently informed, since I don't keep up much on story line to games (i don't run much, and i never remember to investigate when i have time)(i know, excuses, excuses...) that apparently, Earthdawn is not permanently ooc (out of commission, not character!!! silly mudders/larpers, trix are for kids!), but merely on hold until the Shadowrun storyline works up to the return of the Horrors (or so the rumor goes). So, for those of you knew this already, it's no big deal. For those of you who didn't... Earthdawn and Shadowrun are the same world...just many, many years apart... or so the rumor goes...

EarthDawn Page via Fasa
EarthDawn's page on the Fasa site.


CyanBlade's Earthdawn

Changeling Stuff

Changeling Home Page at White Wolf Home Page

Moonlit Trod

Amber Stuff

R. Zelazny's Amber Dictionary

Amber Time Line

The Psuedo Official Phage Press Page

Nine Princes in Amber - The Game

Nine Princes in Amber, The Movie

Florence Magnin's Trump Deck

The Amber Series by Roger Zelazny