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This part of my page won't be edited regularly from now on, at least not likely to be. Apologies to anyone who really enjoyed it, but no one's written me regarding it being unupdated, so I'm not too concerned.
Update... Tad complained a bit... I feel loved...

This used to be a mailing list I would send out to a bunch of people who never complained about it. In it are contained jokes, quotes, and other things I found interesting at the time it was sent out. Now I am no longer sending it out, but putting it right here. To see previous entries, check out the archives. Read and enjoy. Comments, complaints, and questions may be directed to the mail dragon at the bottom of your page. Especially if it contains suggestions for a better layout of this section in general and the newsletter in particular.

Current 'Jokes, Etc.' Letter

Jokes, Etc. Archives

How To Clean A Cat Thanks Josh!!

How To Travel With The Kids

Top Ten Ways to Freak Out Your Coworkers

Application to Date My Daughter sent in by Taddy.

Martha Stewart on Rednecks

Fun Things To Do In A Car

Office Fun & Games

Wanna Date My Daughter?


The English Language

Tips for wanna-be Malkavians

Having a Bad Day? Thanks to Brent for sending this...

You Might Be a Redneck Jedi...

Time For a New Car?

Job Applicant Speak

Tips for Campers

Home on the Web

Is Your Coworker a Hacker?

Why Parents Go GreyI love this one...

Answering Machine Messages

You Might Be a Nurse If...

Where I got the dragons...