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Contemplations in the Night

I close my eyes,
And hope it will all go away,
When I open my eyes,
The worries of today,
Did not slip away;

The problems I deal with now,
Are from yesterday,
I try to work on things for the future,
But that will have to wait,
Until I deal with problems from today;

Always behind,
Never ahead,
Dealing with the past,
And planning things to come,
Does not allow me to enjoy the moment;

I want to be happy today,
Tomorrow can be a long time away,
Working on the future,
Not enjoying the present,
Wouldn't it be a waste if it all ended today;

Will I ever be happy,
Will I ever know peace,
In my world of chaos,
Full of dreamless sleep,
And lonely nights...


sent to me on February 23, 2000

Where I got the dragons...