The all about KimmyLuLu Page!!!
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The all about KimmyLuLu Page!!!

Yes, you have entered the all about KimmyLuLu page!!!!!!!..Kewl, huh? Well, for starters I am Kimberly Jean Rudorfer. I am 16 years old, and I live in North Bend, Washington. I am a fully devoted Christian, and I love the Lord with all my heart and soul!!! I attend Mount Si High School in Snoqualmie, Washington,and I am starting my 11th grade year.The first semester I will be at Gymnasium Ohlstedt in Hamburg, Germany..Then I will finish my Junior year at Mount Si High School. My school, is ok, but at times I wish I was at a private Christian school. I try to be as active in my school as I can. I am the secretary of JSA (Junior Statesmen of America) is a club that discusses politics, and runs school wide voting, and we also volunteer to help support candiates..This year we stood in the rain on the Presidential election night, and held signs to remind people to vote. Of course my vote went for Dole..but we won't go there. I also am a member of Key Club (Kawinis educated youth). It is a voulnteer club that does community service around the school, and the Snoqualmie valley. It is a great culb!...Sprechen die Deutsch??..Ja, I am a member of the German club!!! I think you know what it is. We go to festival's around the state, and go to hear our teacher..Herr Baumann play his accordian in his laterhosen...*HeHe*...Besides being involved in club's ..I also play on our high school Tennis team. This was my second year, and I really enjoyed the whole team!!! As soon as I get my picture I will put one in here..then you can put a face with silly old me!!!!..Finally I play in the Jazz and concert band in school. I play the 1st Alto Sax in Jazz Band, and I love every minute of it!!! In concert band I play the Baritone Sax..nicknamed "Buffalo", and it is ok, but I wish I played the Alto in concert band cuz the music is more challenging.
Kimmy has been saved since February 19th, 1996!!! I was saved at Lutheran Bible Institue os Seattle, during a retreat about the future. It was then I finally realized that I cannot live without our gracious Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ!!! I was then called to persue a career in youth and family ministry, and I plan on attanding LBIS, but I will go wherever the Lord wants me to go. I love to spread the Word of God, and love sharing my love with everyone!!!! I attend Mount Si Lutheran Church in North Bend, Washington...I have attended there for a little over eleven years now and I am an active member at Church. I am on the Church Council , the Youth Commitee, the interview comitee, and I have been helping with youth group as well. This summer I want to help with the Kid's ministry in Church, and even more involved with the Church it's self.
As you can tell..I am a really busy girl, and I really like being busy. I don't know why cuz it stresses me a lot, but I still do love it...Thank you for coming, and please take the time to sign your coments in my guestbook..If you have any questions you want to know about me...please Email them to me, and I will get back to you!!!
Love in Christ, KimmyLuLuO:o)
