LuLu's weekly devotional
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LuLu's weekly devotional

Sit back...Get comfey...Get a drink, and just listen carefully......
"What if I stumble...What if I fall???..What if I loose my step and make fools of us all...Will the love continue???..When my walk becomes a crawl? What if I stumble...What if I fall?????????"
Faith...One word, that scares some people. What if my faith isn't as strong as other's...Will I still get to Heaven??? What if I get hurt, or I sin...Will I go to Heaven...Will YOU still love me, Lord???
This is a question that all Christian's have at some point of their lives. Everyone questions their faith in some point or another...but you just have to remember that the Lord will always be there right by your side...through bad times or good times..He will never leave you alone.
This song makes me think real hard about my faith. It talks about a person that is doubting their faith, and asks the Lord if I become old Lord...Will you still love me?..If I am sick...Will you still love me??...If i make a mistake, Lord...WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME?..Then near the end he hears the Lord speak to him saying, " My love for you will never change."
Isn't that comfortuing to know that the Lord will always love us no matter what we may do?? What a gracious Lord we all have in our lives.
Thank you for coming to this page. The song you were listening to is:"What if I stumble?" by: DC Talk. This group puts a lot of meaning in their music...I never get tired of listening to this cd!!!! I lvoe you all and I wish you all the best in the days to come!!!
Love in Christ, KimmyLuLuO:o)
