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Scoob-Arena -- Scooby Doo, Where are you??

Leaving?? Take a gift!! have decided to leave Scoob-Arena?? I hope that you have explored every inch of this website and enjoyed it! Please leave your pawprint and a message in the guestbook before you go!! And one more thing--because you came to Scoob-Arena and explored it to your heart's content, I would like to bestow a thank you gift to you!!! You are leaving us??
Below are three buttons that you can take and place on your own webpage!! If you don't have a website (I recommend you start one 'cuz they are so much fun to make!), then you have download the gifts on to your computer and tuck it into a safe file as a memoir. I hope you come back soon!!!

Scooby Dee~~~~~~~~~~~
Scoob-Arena Webmaster

The following gifts are for YOU!! To take a gift: click on the image. You will be taken to a page with just that image on it; RIGHT CLICK on the image and press SAVE. If you have a website of your own, please link back to Scoob-Arena using this URL:

Leaving?? Take a gift!!

Leaving??  Take a gift!!

Leaving??  Take a gift!!

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed your stay! Please come back soon!!

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If you have any questions,
suggestions, or comments,
please email Scooby Dee!!
Webmaster Scooby Dee

This page is copyrighted 2001 to Scooby Dee.
All webgraphics--logos, backgrounds, buttons--were created
by Scooby Dee using Paint and Paint Shop Pro 5 programs.

Scoob-Arena is based off the cartoon series and
movies, Scooby Doo-Where are You??.
Scooby Doo is a trademark of Hanna Barbera
and this page is not an official Scooby Doo site.

Scooby Doo Theme Song