Leaving Them Behind

This isn't really a Willow/Angel, but it could lead to one... Lyrics from "Tear Me In Two" by Stroke 9.

Willow fingered her backpack idly as she looked out the window, waiting for him to arrive. “Will…” Willow turned to look at her pleading friend with unblinking emerald eyes. Buffy faltered, then continued. “Don’t do this. Where are you going to go? Where are you going to stay? What are you going to do?” Willow just shrugged, turning back to the window in silence. “Why does everyone leave me?” the Slayer sighed. Her question hung in the air, remaining unanswered.

I know it’s hard, please try to coax me
Try to elevate me to the level of choice
A scarlet sky, a silver moon is a veil before my eyes
How can she be so in tune?

And suddenly he was there, dark, brooding as always, yet a light into the darkness surrounding the two friends.
“You ready, Willow?” he asked gently, and she nodded, standing up slowly.
“Goodbye, Buffy.” Her voice was so soft that it was barely heard, and it was filled with deep sorrow. She walked out the door without looking back, and with a nod to Buffy, Angel closed the door behind them, and they were gone.

Tear me in two
And bore a little hole
That I can see right through
Your diversions, my digression
Take me apart
Suck my blood until you stop my heart
You encumber my progression

She was like a statue, staring into the dark in grieving quiet, until they passed the cemetery. There she turned her large, sorrowful eyes towards him.

And then you save me…

“Angel, pull over, please,” she murmured. The car slowed to a stop, and she slowly opened the door, then walked up the hill. Three stones sat there at the top, marking the deaths of loved ones. “I’m sorry, Xander.” She said softly in a broken voice. “I…I didn’t mean…” her voice faded in words better left unsaid. Finally, she bowed her head. “Forgive me.”

And it slips by, it slips right by
Much to my surprise
And you think that I drink too much
Yeah, well, I don’t mind
I don’t mind…

Angel trudged up the hill behind her, offering comfort Willow felt was not hers to take. “Willow, what happened to them is not your fault. Jesse, Anya…Xander… none of it was your fault.”
“But it WAS my fault, Angel!” She screamed suddenly. “ALL of it, my fault!”

Tear me in two
And bore a little hole
That I can see right through
Your diversions, my digression
Take me apart
Suck my blood until you stop my heart
You encumber my progression

“It’s fate, Willow. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s hard, but time…”
“Time will do NOTHING! They’re dead, they’re not coming back, and it’s all my fault!” Her eyes flashed golden as she snarled at him, showing a face she refused to accept.
“Willow, all I can say is that it wasn’t you. The demon is not you – it’s not. The sooner you can cope with that, the sooner you can let the tears come, the sooner you can go on with your life.”

And then you save me…

Willow growled as tears flooded her eyes with a familiar stinging heat. “Stupid Powers That Be, stupid demon, stupid…!” She vamped out and sank to the ground as her emotions overwhelmed her in a flood of tears. Angel bent down and held her, kept her from hurting herself.

I think of all the time we’ve wasted
I think of all our time apart
Your scathing tongue is not the one
That I need anymore…

“Come on now, Willow. The sun will be up in an hour, and if we don’t leave now, we’re not going to make it.” She nodded and got up, letting him lead her to his car.

Tear me in two
Bore a little hole
That I can see right through
Your diversions, my digression
Take me apart
Suck my blood until you stop my heart
You encumber my progression

And, like a statue again, she watched the world pass by through the window as they left town.
Leaving them behind.

And then you save me…

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Email: rilla_rose@yahoo.com