Christmas Miracles

Angel was brooding again. You’d think after two hundred years, he’d learn. But Doyle’s death shocked him back into it. Ordinarily, I don’t like demons. Yet, half-demons seem to pique my interest…and my curiosity. I like Angel. And, well, with Christmas tonight, I’ve got a few miracles to perform. So I smiled, and Angel began to glow.
“Buffy…” he lamented softly, not noticing the change. The sun was coming up. I opened the window and waited, but all I saw were tears starting to roll down his face. Well, this would make him happy…wouldn’t it?
The golden rays of sunlight struck him without him noticing. I hoped I wouldn’t have to wait for Cordelia to enter the office. I don’t really like her much, but she does deserve my sympathy – she’s gone through a lot. I’d do something for her, but I doubt she’d like the ghost of Doyle haunting her. He’s made a few appearances, but she’s already got a full time invisible roommate, and apparently, he doesn’t like Doyle much. I did. He was a good guy, and they’re few and far between, these days.
Anyway, back to Angel. It’s times like these I wish I were allowed to show myself. But I have my orders. He was still crying. I guessed I was going to have to wait for Cordelia. I sighed and sat down on the couch. “Angel!” She exclaimed on entering the building. “You NEED to take on a paying customer again! I just spent the last of my money on a dress for tonight, and why is your window open?” She gasped in shock. Angel turned around and saw the sun, then, in shock, put his hand over his heart. I’m assuming he felt his pulse, but I’m not quite sure. I laughed as he looked at the brunette in shock, then dashed to a mirror. Seeing his reflection, he frowned, then walked back to his desk to pick it up. I smiled, seeing the shock on his face as he realized I’d left his strength alone. He is one of the best fighters of evil I’ve ever seen, and I don’t want him trading his humanity for the demon again. Then I left. I had other things to do today.

Oz. Poor Oz, bitten by his tiny werewolf cousin. But I could finally fix that for him. He thinks he can’t go back to Willow until he figures out how to live with the wolf? Well, what if he doesn’t have to?
He was staring at the picture of her on his desk. The fragile redheaded computer hacker is a sweetheart, and if her deeds were better known, she’d probably be sainted. But the world can’t know about the Slayer, so she stays hidden.
I think the only way Oz will know what I’ve done is when he doesn’t change tonight. The full moon is tomorrow.

Willow was staring out her window, watching the sunset. Buffy had just left to go slaying with Spike. Now, I’m not sure why they think Angel’s the one with the angelic face – Spike looks more like most of the angels I’ve known. He’s beautiful, but I do suppose he does look too cocky to be an angel.
Willow sighed. She was thinking of someone special, but I can’t tell whether or not it was Oz she was thinking of. She’s been getting pretty close to Spike. It started when she found the spell to fix his vampire impotency. He was so grateful to have the ability to hurt back; it was almost amusing when he found he no longer wanted to hurt the Slayer. I feel sorry for him, because in his way, he loves the little redhead, and I’ve just killed that for him. My poor beautiful demon. If Drusilla hadn’t gone suicidal, I’d bring her back for him. But he falls too easily, and when he does, he falls hard. Let’s just hope he doesn’t hook up with Cordelia. They’re of a kind, and they might fall for each other, however wrong it would be.
Willow’s Hanukkah wish will come true so very soon; better late than never, right? I can’t wait to see the look on her face when Oz comes back. Her heart is barely beginning to lose loyalty to him, and, well, it’ll be renewed when she sees him. I’m enjoying this.

Buffy wasn’t paying attention to Spike’s babble. He likes to talk, and, while his voice IS sexy, she has other things on her mind. She broadcasts thoughts so loudly; she was comparing Riley to Angel. She sighed, stuck out a hand with to stake a fledgling vampire, then sighed again.

“What’s wrong, Slayer?” Spike asked, noticing her brooding, which rivaled Angel’s. “You aren’t one of the shiny ‘appy people tonight.”
She sighed again. “No, I suppose I’m not.”
“Thinking of my bloody sire again? Well, luv, you can be sure ‘e’s probably thinking of you, too.” She managed a slight smile, then let out a cry of surprise as she ran into Riley. I shouldn’t have set that up, but it just seemed that, well, maybe, if it doesn’t work out with Angel this time, it’ll work better between those two if Riley knows what Buffy’s about – and if Buffy knows of Riley’s involvement in the Initiative. He saw the stake in her hand, and jumped back, then noticed Spike. Spike recognized him and vamped out. He’s still sexy like that… it’s pretty disturbing.
“Buffy!” Riley yelled, jumping in front of her. “Stay back, he’s a monster!”
Buffy scoffed at his attempt to protect her. “I know that. Spike, stop that, you’re scaring him.” I was rolling in laughter. Geez, don’t mortals know how amusing they are?
“’e tried to kill me!” Spike complained as his face shifted back.
“You tried to kill me. I tried to kill you, too.” She reminded him. “Riley, this is Spike. Spike, this is my friend, Riley.”
“THAT’S Spike? The guy you pretended to be engaged to?” Riley exclaimed, looking Spike over. “But he’s a vampire, Buffy!”
“Riley, I think it’s time for you to meet Giles.” She said softly. “Spike, keep patrolling, okay?” She put a hand on Riley’s shoulder, then quickly thought better of it and withdrew it. “Please come with me.”
They walked to the Watcher’s house in silence, neither of them touching each other. Finally, Buffy spoke. “You tried to kill Spike?”
“Um…yeah.” Riley said quietly.
“He’s a vampire, Buffy!” Riley said in disbelief. “A demon!”
“He’s my friend.” She said softly, and Riley fell silent. Good, I thought – a little anger at Riley can only help Angel’s chances. I didn’t need to see any more.

Spike only continued patrolling until Buffy was out of sight. Then a grin spread across his face, and he ran, quickly enough that I had trouble following, to the nearest grocery store. His purchase was made fairly quickly, and then he ran back the way he’d come… to Willow’s window. She was still looking wistfully out the window, and he whistled at her beauty.
“’ello, luv.” He said cheerfully. “What’s wrong?” She’d smiled as she saw him, but it didn’t hide the sadness in her eyes.
“I miss him, Spike.” She said softly. “More than ever.” Spike’s face fell slightly, but a cheery façade went back up in the blink of an eye – I don’t think Willow caught it.
“Would a pint of Ben ‘n Jerry’s chocolate fudge ice cream ‘elp?” He asked her. Her eyes brightened up as she stepped back from the window to let him in. Dammit, it won’t do to have Spike in Willow’s room when Oz comes. And I know he will. The instant he realizes he hasn’t changed, he’ll be on his way back. I know it.

I searched for Angel. He wasn’t there. So I went to Giles’ place. And found my former vampire. Giles was baffled at his condition. I smiled – the Watchers didn’t know about me – until I realized that Buffy was bringing Riley there. This could work to my disadvantage. I hoped for the best. It worked well last time he was human.
“W…well, Angel, I…I don’t know what happened, but…”
Angel cut him off. “Do you have any food? I’m… starved.”
“Oh. Of course. Help yourself.” He motioned towards the kitchen. I laughed as Angel helped himself to most of the contents of Giles’ refrigerator, then sat down and began to devour it greedily. Giles had just turned back to his books when Buffy knocked at the door.
“Well, hello, Buffy…” he said with surprise when he answered the door. “And…”
“This is Riley, Giles. He’s one of those… army people.”
“The Initiative.” Riley corrected as they stepped into the apartment. Buffy caught sight of Angel, stopped, and stared.
“A…Angel?” She asked quietly. “What ARE you doing?”
“I’m…” he swallowed. “I’m eating?”
“Um… WHY?”
“He appears to be h…human, Buffy.” Giles told her.
“Oh.” She thought about it for a minute. “Giles, Riley saw me and Spike patrolling. Explain and interrogate for me please? I want to talk to Angel.” Angel looked up from his meal again, swallowed, and got up. She pulled him outside, then closed the door. Riley and Giles stared at the closed door for a moment, then began to talk. I yawned, and followed Buffy and Angel.
“Buffy…” Angel said softly. She jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist as she attacked his mouth with her own. He backed up into the wall and replied in the same fashion. I smiled. It had worked. Now I had to attend to Willow.

Oz was… gone. I’d missed him. His car had been gone for awhile, and his cage was flung open as if he were in a hurry. I hoped he was going to Willow instead of Giles, but then, it hadn’t worked in Angel’s case. Though… Oz is not Angel, though they share the same silent nature. I went as fast as I could to Willow’s dorm.

“So, luv, I’ll bring another pint come Christmastime?” Spike was saying. Absentmindedly, Willow looked up in surprise.
“I’m sorry… what were you saying?”
“Never mind, luv. I’ll go, if you want.” Spike stood up.
“You don’t…have to…” she said softly. “I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay, Red. I understand.” He stepped halfway out the window. “I’ll see you soon, Red.”
“Spike, wait…” she started, but he was gone. Then someone knocked on the door.
Spike watched from outside as Willow opened the door and let out a cry of surprise and joy. She flung her arms around Oz’s neck in delight as he stepped into her apartment. His heart sank, but he was tough. He walked away in silence.
“Don’t ever leave again.” Willow murmured in Oz’s ear.

Two couples, finally reunited. My task was done. At least, so I thought. But as I watched Spike walk away, my happiness faded. Riley’s heart would heal, but Spike’s… was more fragile than he liked to admit. I pleaded to my father, and he granted me my last miracle.
“’ello, gorgeous.” I heard behind me. I turned around and smiled.
“Hello, William.” I said softly. “My name… is Ariana.”

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