written by Vicki Russell

Some of the most memorable moments
happen when we least expect them!! 

This story took place in 79 .. 
we were moving from Colorado to Oregon
my husband was driving a dodge van 
pulling a 15 foot travel trailer
I was driving an AMC pacer
pulling a small U-Haul trailer!

It was in July and it was very warm
that day ... my husband had one 
daughter riding with him 
while I had our 9 year old 
and 6 week old baby with me!

My 9 year old was always very cute
and as most firstborns .. a little mom!
so when it came time to change the baby's diaper
she was usually right there !
This day ... it was hot ... 
and we were going down the freeway
when the baby had to be changed ..

ooooohhhhhhhh what a smell ... =)
my 9 year old was complaining about 
the smell ..and so we rolled down
the windows a little bit more 
just as she was pulling the diaper
out to put the clean one under ..
my husband came over the CB
and said .. 

Needless to say my 9 year old looked at me
with this very puzzled look on her face
and said ... 
"How can he smell that from up there?"

hahhahaha ..I had to laugh because the smell 
in our car was outweighing the smell
of the cattle range to our right !!!

Kids sure are cute !!! 
that is a time ... I shall NEVER forget!


 another cute little story .........    written by Vicki Russell

on this same trip,  if only I was 
driving in the other lanes of traffic 
and knew this was going to happen
I would DEFINITELY had taken a picture!

While my husband was driving the
dodge van .. pulling the 15 foot travel trailer
and I, driving the AMC Pacer .. 
pulling the U-Haul trailer ...
We were crossing through Wyoming
the land that only GOD can love!

We were going up towards 
the continental divide
when all of a sudden
HE  came over the CB 
and told me to get behind him and push
Being very puzzled over the statement
I asked him to repeat what he said

In a very excited voice he said
"GET BEHIND ME and push me,
or I will not make it up this hill"
so I said "OKAY" .. 
(I did that alot, even when I thought it was really stupid!!)
So I pulled the pacer up behind the 
travel trailer .. speeding up but slowing 
down also, so not to hit him to hard..
all the while, he is getting very excited
telling me to hurry up!!

So there we are .. going up this long
uphills grade ... with 
this small pacer pulling a 
U-Haul trailer pushing a 
15 foot travel travel trailer
and a dodge van up to the summit!!!
IT had to be a sight !!!
OH what Dodge might have paid
to not let anyone see that !!!


and one more little story ..    written by Vicki Russell

This little story involves
my daughter again ...
we were once again traveling
through Wyoming .. it was a very
nice sunny day and the
harvesters had cut their wheat
and other grains and had 
them in bundles out in the field.

Now you and I don't look 
at things the same way 
as children do ......and some
times I wonder just how much
we miss out on .. when they 
don't share their thoughts with us??

As we were going down this 
little highway ... from out of the blue
my daughter asked ..
"Why are there big loaves of bread
out in that field?"
and of course ......... we laughed!!!

How cute can they be!?!?!?
and what does go on in their minds!?!
WE may never know !!!


dancing bunny

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