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Von Flores

Welcome to the Home of the Fan Club for Von Flores. We are currently searching for a name, and since our top chioces so far are "The Vonettes" or the "Sand-Witches," you can tell we'd really like some good ideas. If you have one, please send it to Club Name with "Von Club Name" or something similar in the subject line.

Currently, Von Flores can be seen on the Fox Network's Earth: Final Conflict, the brain child of the late Great Bird of the Galaxy, Gene Roddenberry.

He has also done guest spots on "Kung Fu," "FX," "Sinbad," "TekWar," and can be seen burning himself to death as the lucious Tran on Forever Knight.

Here are various links that mention the ever lovely Von:

The "Who's Who" section of the Companions Webpage. Ronald Sandoval Von Flores Cast & Charector Combo Page

Although I feel it is only fair to tell you that these pages have all pretty much the same information and the same FEW pictures! Gah! If you have any other pictures of Von, besides the ones seen here, PLEASE send them to us, we'll be forever greatful! send them to Pictures of Von.

So far, that's all we have. (Coming soon: The Sandoval Fanfiction Archive!)If you want to discuss Sandoval, Von, or any other bits of Earth: Final Conflict, there is a mailing list you can join, by sending mail Here, with the following words in the message body:

SUBSCRIBE EFC yourfirstname yourlastname

Make sure you FILL IN your name!!!

Now that you've seen what there is to here, please tell us what you thought by Signing the Guestbook. Or, if you want to see what other people wrote View it First.

In closing, I am not Von Flores, nor do I have his email address, if he even has one. And if I did, I would be able to give it out, so STOP with the naughty emails!!! This page is made out of raving fandom and does not intend to step on the toes of Earth:Final Conflict, Roddenberry.Com or anyone else official who has anything remotely to do with the show. And yes, we stole the Sandoval pictures from other sites. Network gods, please don't sue us.

This page was created and is maintained by Livia. She likes people to visit her.
