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Kellar Family Web Page

This page is about our family.  First off, I will start by telling you for many years, I LOVED being a military spouse! Yes, of course, the days alone could get pretty lonely, but you have to get used to it, and of course, it DOES make one better at being self-sufficient, which I have found to be INVALUABLE!!!

Let me begin by telling you a little bit about our family.  My name is Cindy, and I own my own part time business doing web page design, and computer instruction.  I also spend part of my time doing various demos at the local Food Lion stores.  My husband David, works as a Jail Officer in our local regional jail.

Nathan, my oldest son passed away a year ago in February, just 10 days shy of his 20th birthday.  Before he died, he and his fiancée had a son, Tyler.  He was a year old in December, and is cute as a button, but of course, I am a bit biased! 

Rachel, my only daughter, is 15, and all I hear about these days has to do with boys she likes and "When I get my license"..

 D.J., my youngest, is 14, and is all about typical "boy stuff".  He loves being outdoors, and also playing video games. 

Everyone has their own web pages in my family, so please check them out when you get a chance!


  my Dreambook!
my Dreambook!

Got a question or comment? Please feel free to email me!

Special Thanks To:

Other Pages I Have Done....




           Page Updated on 04/06/04