Greetings and Welcome to
Lord Satan's Castle and Lands
Before you wander into the unknown lands through the Gates
to Hell, it is an unknown to beast or man,
I , Satan: recommended that you read the warning
below to all of those that may not have a lost soul
and would fear to enter the kingdom of timeless dreams,
endless notions affairs and romances and love potions
This is the Gate to Satan Kingdom
Satan has brought his throne and kingdom of fallen
angels to this earthly realm to try to bring people
and lead them in rebellion against those that don’t
respect or honor others.It is said that Satan has a
kingdom and even the Pharisees recognized that he
is the ruler of the demons who want peace,
and honor all that comes forth in these lands.
Jesus called him the ruler of this world and
in John 16:11 the prince of this world.
He is also called "the prince of the power of the air"
(Eph. 2:2)and the "god of this world" (2 Cor. 4:4).
In all likelihood, when Satan a fallen angel was
kicked out of heaven, the fallen angels kept the
same or similar ranks of authority as they had
in heaven, but perverted it to perform evil ends.
Eph. 6:12 reveals there are 4 levels
or ranks of fallen angels.
1.Principalities-(KJV) the highest rank
2.Powers-execute the will of
the chief rulers
3.World rulers of the darkness of this age
These are the Angels that influence world leaders for their purposes.
4.Spiritual wickedness in the heavenly , wicked spirits.
Not only do Angels have different degrees of authority,
they also have different degrees of power.
There are different kinds of fallen angels
and some are more powerful than others.
Now beware the following exist in this unknown land,
vampires,witchcraft, wizardry, holocaust and misery
as well as glad time, happiness of visions and delusions,
and dream shatter conclusions. Again be ware,
this is the land where no one leaves or every will as time stands still.
If Thee are interested in the becoming of the Lands
Email Lord Satan
Enter At Your Own Risk
Lord Satan's Castle
Updated Last on 2-23-99
Satan Copyright licensing rightsholder Number 20000300474