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Shade Retraiser


Human Guise

Name Shade Retraiser
DoB Unknown
PoB Unknown
Height 5`11
Weight 165
Physical Age 22
Actual Age Unknown
Hair Solid Black
Eyes Shining black
Skin Pale White

Natural Form

Name Shade
DoB Unknown
PoB Unknown
Height 10 foot
Weight 200
Physical Age Unknown
Actual Age 220,000
Hair Shadow Black
Eyes Shining Shadow black
Skin Pale Shadow Black

Shade uses his human like form to walk among the people of different realms. He prefers to stay in this form because it helps him forget about his past and heritage. Shade's powers, strength, speed, and all other atributes are still the same under this form, since it is only a simple guise.


Shade has all the natural abilities of a Shade shifter, but he is a bit different since he was the son of the God of Shadows, all the extra abilities and such are listed below.
Infravision-Shade can see in darkness as he can in full light. It comes like second nature to him as well.

Portal Opening-One of the few small powers Shade was left with when he was banned from the Heavens and stripped of his powers. Shade can open a portal to any realm with just a thought while at full strength.

Form Shifting-Using the shadows around him Shade can change his form into anyone he has scanned similar to the shade smithing. One catch to this is that since he uses the shadows to do it every form he takes will have dark black eyes and hair like his own and in some cases the skin may even be dark black.

God's will-A form of Iron Will, that turns a person's emotions and thoughts into a raging whirlwind inside there mind, which makes it impossible to read there mind, or use any type of psionics on them, but in turn that person cannot use any mental powers of there own.

Shade Realm

The Shade realm is a place of Shade's own making, it is a pocket realm thats contained within the Shadow Realm. Shade spent many decades making this realm and many more locking it up and sealing the key within himself. In other words if Shade dies and you know how to use a realm key, you just got yourself a pocket realm. This is Shade's home, and with it being his home he can control it to how he likes it. On your first visit there it could be a grand castle. On the second it could be a shabby motel. Depends on his mood.