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Here you will find more of my "Poems"..
This one is My Parents favorite..


Within this book of memories,
There's a place I've come to know.
The turning of the pages,
Brings me to where I want to go.

A place so calm and wonderful,
To smile and laugh again.
Remembering the good times,
When I was all but ten.

The innocence of childhood,
The loving care I had.
The wonderment of friendhip,
See? Life's not so bad.

This book I have will always be,
One full of love and laughter.
A different age, a different time,
Just by changing of the chapter.

written 9-26-98


I've turned the page,
And now I'm a teen.
Really Mom, I don't
like being mean.

But this is MY life,
Seems I know what's best.
Why must we always,
Put our love to a test.

I just want my freedom,
I just want my fun.
Why do I have a parent,
When I don't need one.

I'm just Me,
And I am smart.
But why must you always,
tear me apart?

I constantly whine,
And I throw fits.
Gee, I hope my life,
Gets better than this.

I know you mean well,
I know you love me.
But what will I be like,
Say, when I'm twenty-three.

Oh Heaven help us,
I have alot to learn.
But according to me,
I have bridges to burn.

The friends I keep,
Aren't helping me see,
That no matter what happens,
I'll still be ME.

written 4-5-99


I sit here alone,
Drowing in my sorrow.
What happens now,
What happens tomorrow?

I fear the worst,
But it could be the best.
Just have to hang on,
Til I hear the rest.

The tests are all in,
The long trip is due.
But why do I cry?
Because I Miss You!

I sit here dreaming,
Of a future "somewhere",
Someone to hold,
Someone to care.

But am I just dreaming?
Does anyone care?
This life I chose,
Is getting harder to bear.

No one to come home to,
No one to hold.
By writing this poem,
Am I being too bold?

I share my heart,
My Soul, My Love.
I only ask in return,
The same as above.

Will you be there for me?
May I be there for you?
Happiness is for sharing,
And we're both long overdue.

written 4-9-99


The sky is so blue,
And the air is so fresh.
The mountains full with snow,
It's here I feel my best.

No tensions, No worries,
No hassles, No fear.
I'm just enjoying the time,
I'm allowed to be here.

You come and you go,
With such manly grace,
I wait patiently,
For "that" look on your face.

You bring me such joy,
That's long over due,
And the tears in my eyes,
Are not "caused" by you.

My eyes scan your eyes ,
My heart feels the pain,
I have so much to tell you,
But what would I gain?.

So I won't say a word,
I will hold it inside,
I dont want to lose you,
So I'll swallow my pride.


Too late we lose our "one" love,
Too soon, we forget how it felt.

So many things needing to be said,
So few words have been spoken.

Why close your heart forever,
Why not open it instead.

Where this will go, is a mystery,
Where I will stay is by your side.

How I have wanted to tell you,
How few chances I've had.

When does Friendship blossom,
When does Love comes shining thru.

What is this feeling I have,
What if it's not supposed to be felt.

And Where, Why, When, How will I know
If it's ok to be felt?

In due time... !!

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