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Danette Boucher

Danette Boucher/Microwave Murderer DOB: Feb 2, 1951 (??) OCCUPATION: Director of Boucher Modeling Inc. FIRST APPEARANCE: Witchblade #4 Danette Boucher was a contemporary of Marie Curie's at the turn of the century. She was betrothed to Kenneth Irons, accompanying him on his archeological digs. Her life was set along a dark path the day her husband found the Witchblade. Danette allowed Irons to force the Witchblade upon her in an effort to harness its power. It rejected her, but left a part of it inside her. The Witchblade fragment granted her longevity, but at a price. Danette was driven to murder in order to satiate the Witchblade's appetites. She preyed upon the young models in her employ to this end. Like her husband before her, Danette died in confrontation with Sara Pezzini. Whereas Irons wished to take all the Witchblade's power for himself, Danette just wanted to return it. In doing so, she finally found peace... and posed more questions as to the Witchblade's true purpose.
