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Ian Nottingham

Ian Christian Nottingham DOB: April 21, 1966 OCCUPATION: Assassin FIRST APPEARANCE: Witchblade #1 A lethal assassin, Nottingham's past is shrouded in secrecy. He is an imposing man who smolders in the shadows, ready to strike an opponent down in a controlled and exacting manner. Nottingham was in the employ of multi-millionaire, Kenneth Irons. As Ken's right-hand man Nottingham battled Sara Pezzini at Liberty Island. During this confrontation Nottingham siphoned some of the Witchblade's power, almost killing Sara. However, Irons intervened before the final blow could be struck, sparing Sara's life. Later, during a conflict at Kenneth Iron's penthouse apartment, Nottingham turned on his master -- also in defense of Sara Pezzini. Irons beat Nottingham senseless before throwing him to his apparent death. As his body was never found, it remains to be seen whether Ian Nottingham will once more play a part in the life of Sara Pezzini... and the Witchblade.
