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The American Science Foundation

An introduction to the official ORBIT News Release by Director and founder of the UFO Resource Center, Christopher Montgomery.

A research project conducted by scientists from the American Science Foundation has confirmed that UFOs operate outside of the known laws of physics. This recent study by the American Science Foundation confirms my research, which I had published on-line as the A.C.F. was concluding their investigation. The findings of that panel would suggest that a fourth dimensional reality probably does exist A great deal of this data can only be obtained through empirical observation, which makes it difficult to prove scientifically and hard for scientists to accept. Here's P3N's introduction to the news release submitted by Orbit:

The UFO Resource Center thanks Jeff Behnke and the staff at for this report.

"When scientists at the American Science Foundation were asked by a local computer company executive to analyze claims by a study team that some form of extraterrestrial life was using a "doorway" system of highly resonant energy to covertly study humanity, they at first were skeptical. After five months of analysis of the data, the scientists asked to perform the analysis, are no longer skeptical." -ParaNormal News Network

The following piece was taken from their "Latest Articles," at P3N. Their headlines read: "Alien Visitors in New Jersey Verified By Independent Experts." P3N is the place where savvy UFO researchers can go to research UFOs. This UFO study fits the bill, as it was posted to their news page yesterday, (Thursday, 7/29/99). As a UFO investigator, I can tell you that the fresher the evidence, the greater the likelyhood that you can collect good scientific evidence. This post is so fresh that I'm posting it today, Thursday, July 29,1999 at 5:19pm Pacific Time Zone. Now, here's that story we've been promising you. It was published by Orbit, "For Immediate Release."

"Alien Visitors in New Jersey Verified By Independent Experts"
{originally} posted: July 28, 1999.

"For Immediate Release"

(N E W Y O R K C I T Y, N E W Y O R K)

When scientists at the American Science Foundation were asked by a local computer company executive to analyze claims by a study team that some form of extraterrestrial life was using a "doorway" system of highly resonant energy to covertly study humanity, they at first were skeptical.

After five months of analysis of the data, the scientists asked to perform the analysis, are no longer skeptical.

Studies of the so-called Vortex in Wanaque, NJ, has authenticated that the "doorway system" exists, and that it provides an unknown species or several unknowns, to travel reasonably without observation, all over the surface of our world.

The study has been documented by a rapidly organized study team, which has captured stereo-optic and infra red images of the beings using the "doorway" (called by the team "the Vortex") to enter our world, travel here observing us, and then leaving.

The technology at use is extremely stealthy, beyond anything in the US Pentagon's arsenal. And it hasn't escaped the Pentagon's attention, either: as the ASF Study Team (called TEAM ORB) observes the strange Vortex, and follows and films and catalogs the Orb-like evidence of the alien species travels around our planet, the Pentagon is also watching.

A study team set up by the Department of Defense, recently placed a permanent installation of observation and monitoring equipment jointly at the Vortex location, to collect images of the strange comings and goings of the beings using the Orb Doorway System. After only two weeks, the insides of the recording equipment were found to have been pluverized by Pentagon experts watching the Vortex and watching the American Science Foundations' TEAM ORB, but the equipment was unopened, and the Pentagon is at a loss to determine how their equipment was damaged only on its insides without being opened.

"The Beings did it," said Team Orb members, "they were quite angry that we inadvertantly caused the Pentagon and the NSA to bring in heavy equipment to study THEM, but now they seem to have gotten over it. Apparently, the aliens went up to the Pentagon's equipment installation and used some form of technology on it, to leave a message for the Department of Defense and the National Security Agency. They are very much against war and intrigue, these beings!"

TEAM ORB has recently received numerous offers of funding by high tech firms interested in receiving the benefit of the scientific studies of the Vortex and the Beings who use the Orb Doorway System to observe and study humanity.

"If TEAM ORB can produce enough information about how the Vortex Doorway System works, imagine the benefits," stated George Gemmiel, an AT&T Executive who was one of the several parties interested in the device and expressed interest to TEAM ORB. "I am keenly interested in the study, as we at AT&T were recently made aware of the Doorway, and have independently verified that the Orbs are real, are under intelligent control, and appears to be a form of technology. But whatever controls it does not appear to like us up there with our equipment, unlike how TEAM ORB is treated: their team members are welcomed by these objects everytime they visit. We hope to interest TEAM ORB in a technology exchange agreement."

TEAM ORB had recently offered to take the Orbs and the beings using them on "field trips" to NASA, the US Government, and the Vatican, offers which as of yet have not been responded to.

The American Science Foundation team has been highly successful in standing off all debunkers, by providing authentication of their film study method and by taking various members of the public to the Vortex where they are enabled to take their own photos of this remarkable find.

"Humanity may not be ready for this discovery," stated a TEAM ORB lead investigator, Bryan Williams, who was one of the original discoverers of the Vortex Doorway System. "But, apparently these beings, or whatever they are, are ready for Humanity. I think we have no option but to open up a relationship with them and educate ourselves as to who they are and what they want." (The UFO Resouce Center thanks Orbit and the ParaNormal News network for this story.)

Having an MA or Ph.D. on your name does help your credibility factor considerably. This new data was good news for other researchers and myself. It confirms our observations that the UFO and their occupants display characteristics and behaviors that suggest a high level of technological capability and understanding. A great deal of this data can only be obtained through empirical observation, which could eventually lead scientist to discovering a way to open a door or window into an alternate reality, what many call the parallel universe. Here, space and time could be manipulated and new forms of travel such as teleportation would then be feasible. Perhaps that is why they are here? One possible theory as to why they are here is to prevent us from achieving unlimited space/time travel, given man's reckless history towards destructive, even suicidal ideation! Although their origins are completely unknown, this remains a plausible theory. (Do you want to read more about my revolutionary theories? Read about them in UFOs: A Scientific Inquiry on sale now! This new data can be found in UFOs: A SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY by Christopher Montgomery. It can be found on-line at Publishing


U.F.O.R.C. thanks Jeff Behnke and Paranormal Network News for this "Latest Editorial...News Posted @ U.F.O.R.C. on July 29, 1999; Posted PNC at "4:00 PM July 19, 1999"

"Researching UFOS" by Jeff Behnke
Let's say that you've read quite a few books on UFOs and still feel like a UFO consumer more than anything. And now by some godawful strange coincidence, you've discovered a growing interest in taking the next step--researching. Helping out the UFO community. What do you do? Where do you go? What is the next step you can take?

Editorial -- Researching UFOS Archives
Written By: Jeff Behnke -- July 19, 1999, 4:00 P.M.

Let's say that you've read quite a few books on UFOs and still feel like a UFO consumer more than anything. And now by some godawful strange coincidence, you've discovered a growing interest in taking the next step--researching. Helping out the UFO community. What do you do? Where do you go? What is the next step you can take?

One way of researching, thanks to Newt Gingrich, is to search every bill that is in the house and senate, along with a number of older bills from the past years at the website: "

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