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Conventional Search For ET Intelligence by Radio Astronomy

By Christopher Montgomery

Radio frequencies were selected for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. This was loosely based upon the assumption that "radio waves are the best means available, given current technology, for trying to detect extraterrestrial intelligence." The reason given was that radio waves travel at light speeds. These wavelengths are rather slow in respect to an interstellar level, it is still the fastest theoretical speed achievable for transmitting and receiving information that scientists know of at this time. (Swartz, Uncensored UFO Reports magazine, page 26)

Many scientists believe that there is a light speed barrier that cannot be crossed. This theoretical light speed barrier is fixed at approximately 300,00km/sec. For example, a radio frequency particle of energy "would still take around 4 years to reach us here on earth." This alone would make radio frequencies an undesirable carrier wave for communication. given the vast distances these transmissions would need to travel in deep space, utilizing conventional modes of travel, given our present understanding of Newtonian physics. (Swartz, IBID)

The evidence would suggest that there exists energies traveling above light speeds. These paralight frequencies would manifest themselves in our space/time continuum at light and sub-light speeds. One example of these are wavelengths in the spectrum of ionizing radiation and above. Microwaves of centimeter wavelengths may be a dopplerized form of radiation that may have originated at velocities above the speed of light. The ultradimensional qualities of the UFO phenomenon may be one example of how these energies may be utilized, which may lie within the unified electrogravitational spectrum discovered by Montgomery.

The Mystery Engineer

The following data was based upon information given by the "mystery engineer" that was posted on the Internet. These coordinates later resulted in confirmed hits by other amateur radio astronomers, as well as scientists at project Phoenix.

Program: SETI Fox
Dish Receiver parameters: 10 meters, with a 2nd parasitic
feed horn mounted alongside the original hardware that was originally mounted on this dish.
Target Coordinates: RA; 23 degrees, 31 minutes 48 seconds declination 19 hours 55 minutes and 58 seconds (approximate)
Dates of confirmed hits: England 21:17 UTC 10/22/98; 21:17; 10/23/98

Scientific testing methods employed; Abstract

A person that came to be known as the "mystery engineer" offered proof of a confirmed hit by a SETI Fox computer program. The engineer had pirated a dish owned by his associates. He retrofitted The hardware was retrofitted, which enabled him to run the SETI Fox program on their computers. All of the equipment was checked thoroughly to ensure the accuracy of that equipment. On two consecutive nights, the SETI Fox alarm sounded, indicating a confirmed hit by the type of signal that science was looking for.

The SETI Fox program is told to search a particular section of space. When a suspect signal is found, an alarm will sound, indicating a possible hit. A scientific procedure is then performed to verify the SETI signal. An on/off source test is done to confirm the signal source. This is an accepted industry standard. The engineer did the appropriate testing as indicated by procedure. The procedure involves tracking the dish off signal, which should result in the loss of signal. When the signal is returned to the coordinates of the hit source, the signal should be re-established and SETI Fox should launch into tracking mode. Another off-source test should result in the loss of signal. This is an accepted procedure for verifying a SETI signal. Everything was done by the book.

In his own words, the "mystery engineer" describes his discovery:

"...SETI Fox alerted me at about the same time that it detected a carrier. I had my system logging the data and the signal did almost the exact same thing as the night before. I hurried to move the antenna off source and when I did so the signal went away I moved it back on and lo and behold there it was. I ran two more on-source, off-source tests of this type before finally keeping it in tracking mode." (Swartz, IBID page 27)

This is the type of hard evidence that radio astronomers have been looking for. It was, for all intents and purposes, an extraterrestrial signal. It was compelling evidence of an alien intelligence. Along with the data posted on the internet, they had published 2 readouts of this alleged signal that he had saved on a .wav disc. This was additional evidence validating his claim.

Additional Confirmation

Although the source of this Internet post was anonymous, it was confirmed by other amateur radio astronomers. Using the coordinates specified, other amateur radio astronomers set their equipment to search for the radio waves from space. Using SETI Fox, they determined that the source of these mystery signals were somewhere in the constellation of E. Q. Pegasi (Pegasus) some 22 light years away.

Confirmation #2:

At that time of the confirmed hits by the "mystery engineer," Project Phoenix was underway at the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. The Phoenix team set there sights on E.Q. Pegasi's coordinates. They also received a confirmed hit on September 17, 1998. Swartz said that "the astronomers detected a signal from EQ Pegasi but concluded at the time that it was man-made interference." This brings up two important questions...
Was this a cover-up?
Did they actually verify the source?

The Phoenix team did not, in my opinion, offer an adequate explanation for their conclusion. If there was solid evidence that the source was man made, then why didn't they offer it immediately? This would have put the issue to rest once and for all. That was not done. The same stratagems were utilized by the Condon project in the 1960's. The detection of radio signals from EQ Pegasi suggested that we had found evidence of an extraterrestrial intelligence. These were not signals that one would expect from a man-made source.
Confirmation #3 K.F. Benton, Isle of Guernsy, Normandy:

While searching the Pegasus star cluster, another ham found a signal also coming from this star system in the 1445-1455 Mhz frequency wavelength. Swartz said that he had found the radio signal while searching in that bandwidth, and SETI Fox had detected a signal at 1296 Mhz and that it was found as EQ Pegasi rose in the sky at 12:30 GMT. Benton had said that "the program began logging what looked like a faint carrier signal," as he began to track the source over the next few hours. After recording the event, he felt "just as puzzled" as the scientists who had also confirmed hits. "This would have to be beamed directory at us, as far as I can tell," he said. (IBID page 27).

The frequency of 1445-1455 Mhz has a special significance in the area of UFO research. This frequency, which was detected on the aforementioned SETI Fox programs, fell within a narrow bandwidth commonly used by radar detection. My research indicates that UFOs utilize frequencies that are directly affected by and interact with the radio frequencies that lie within the radar bandwidth.

I cite for example the UFO crash at Corona (aka Roswell); this event was verified by Lt. Colonel Phillip Corso in "THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL." Our research suggests that this UFO crash at Roswell was precipitated by their close proximity to radar sondes that were being utilized in an experiment by the US Army at that time. These radar targets were used as evidence to dispute the crash as the Army hastily recovered the remains of the UFO and its occupants.

In another case that I have documented involved the swift and decisive maneuver by a UFO in close proximity to a police radar gun. During the officer's close encounter, the switch to activate this device was accidentally activated, resulting in the swift departure of the UFO. Although no one has ever published this conclusion, the evidence suggests that it was the direct result of the officer inadvertently activating those radar frequencies.

In another example, military bases around the Continental United States indicate that they are surrounded by a protective bubble of radar frequency radiation. This observation was noted by foremost researcher and author Richard Hoagland. This discovery was made when it was observed that snowfall would turn to rain in a spherical pattern above key military installations, which would indicate that the military is using some form of microwave radiation to protect those military bases. This empirical data was mentioned in a radio broadcast on a talk show entitled Coast to Coast with Art Bell.

If we are to conclude that the UFO is directly affected by frequencies within the radar frequency bandwidths, then we can assume that their systems are sensitized to them. Therefore, utilization of electromagnetic radiation of centimeter wavelengths and their harmonics are being utilized by them in some form, whether for navigation, communication and/or in their propulsion systems. The SETI signals received from EQ Pegasi may in fact be signals utilized by an extraterrestrial intelligence. This would afford a convenient explanation for the EQ Pegasi signals and would account for the explanation of a man-made origin, offered by the Phoenix project.
EQ Pegasi signal on scope readout

(Christopher Montgomery is a writer living in the Seattle, Washington area. He has published a book entitled "UFOs: A Scientific Inquiry" and is available as an e-book at publishing online at U.R.L. He is also the director of an organization that he founded named the UFO Resource Center (U.F.O.R.C.) and some of his research is published through that organization at the U.F.O.R.C. web site located on the world wide web at" NOTE: The previous article "Conventional Search For ET Intelligence by Radio Astronomy" has been republished in numerous publications, including but not limited to the P3nN web site.

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In a message received from
Subject: The Case Against SETI
Date:15 Aug 1999 20:35:49 -0000
From:"Paranormal News"

Paranormal News -

THE CASE AGAINST SETI Written By: Paranormal News Staff

July 16, 1999

1. What specific accepted scientific evidence has SETI agreed would prove the existence of extra terrestrials?

2. In the SETI FAQ, it is stated that personal accounts do not prove the existence of extra terrestrals because they do not provide physical evidence. What types of physical evidence are you referring to? Are "electromagnetic signals" considered physical evidence?

3. According to your declaration, SETI recognizes "that the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is an integral part of space exploration and is being undertaken for peaceful purposes and for the common interest of all mankind." Therefore, what is the reason for SETI's negative reception of Joe Firmage?

4. IF SETI has never conducted an investigation of UFO sightings, then how has it come to the conclusion that, "there is no scientific evidence" which proves they exist?

In response, Seth wrote:

Yes, electromagnetic signals would constitute physical evidence for a very simple reason: they can be measured by instruments, but more importantly, they can be independently verified. If someone sees a light in the sky which they think is an alien ship, what can I, as a scientist do as an experiment to verify that? Talk to the person? That's like asking Newton "well, did that apple really fall on your head?" Science doesn't work that way. For scientists to believe the phenomenon (gravity, cold fusion, alien signals), they have to be able to do the experiment themselves and get the same result.

With a signal, anyone with an antenna could verify its existence. Hundreds of researchers could find the SAME PHENOMENON. Not true with the UFO stories, and that's why you don't have thousands of academics working on this problem (and why you don't see displays of alien artifacts in the science museums!) For some reason, many members of the American public don't seem to understand how science works.

We have not been negative about Joe Firmage. I've talked to him personally, and find him reasonable and likeable. If he can find compelling evidence of alien visitation, great. But I don't need to personally look for Bigfoot or the Yeti to be able to say that there's still no convincing evidence for their existence.

Seth Shostak

[Note: I did not feel that the questions he gave me were adequate because he did not answer all of them and he seemed to be using some logical fallacies. Therefore, I conducted a follow up and asked again:]-P3N

July 26, 1999

1. What specific accepted scientific evidence has SETI agreed would prove the existence of extra terrestrials?

2. IF SETI has never conducted an investigation of UFO sightings, then how has it come to the conclusion that, "there is no scientific evidence" which proves they exist?

To which he replied:

1) Any signal that can be routinely confirmed by anyone else who can do an experiment (other radio observatories, for example) would convince us that the signal is real. The properties of the signal, for example narrow bandwidth, would indicate that it is of artificial origin.

2) SETI has also not conducted an investigation of claims that remote viewing works, either. But if it did, Las Vegas would be out of business, and missing persons would always be found. There would also be LOTS of university academics doing research in this area, and asking for grant monies to look into it. They're not.

[Note: once again, the second paragraph seems to be yet another logical fallacy, so it did not answer my question. I conducted yet another follow up, asking him to please remove the phrase on his website which says 'there is no scientific evidence that proves UFOs exist' since they don't investigate them, and he refused to do it, stating:]

I don't agree at all. We haven't investigated all sorts of phenomena, and we feel free to comment. For instance, the prevalence of extraterrestrial planets... We take the considered opinion of the scientific community on that. They publish papers and they convey their opinions. They've done the same about UFOs, and every single time they come to the same conclusion: there's simply no science in it. Not an iota of evidence that UFOs have anything to do with extraterrestrials. That's their opinion. They've said it. We listen and agree, in the same way that I agree about plate tectonics.


Questions still remain. Why does MSNBC and other television programs pull out SETI scientists to dismiss Joe Firmage and any other claims of extraterrestrial visitation? Many SETI researchers, according to MSNBC 'roll their eyes' when they hear of lights seen in the sky and alien abduction. ( And it doesn't make a bit of business sense, considering that SETI relies on private donations, to belittle the very man who could provide the funding they need.

Concerning the scientific community, Seth writes "They've done the same about UFOs, and every single time they come to the same conclusion: there's simply no science in it," Come on. It is true that the scientific community, as a whole, does not accept UFOs as being extraterrestrial in origin, but there are many that do. Richard Hoagland, Stanton Friedman, Clark McClelland, countless USAF officials, and according to the Mars Mystery written by Graham Hancock, the list includes countless decorated ex-NASA employees. Just Visit:
for an idea of the number of PhDs and retired professionals who are members of MUFON and express their belief in the UFO phenomena.

Another interesting fact is that many SETI scientists such as Jill Tarter originally came from NASA, who have a bit of a record when it comes to covering up evidence. NASA itself is headed by Daniel Goldin, a powerful boss who worked at TRW as a top secret defense contractor. The appointment to NASA was originally made by President George Bush, the former director of the CIA. And according to Dan Ecker, ever since Goldin has been in charge of the civilians in NASA, he has steadily been replacing regular NASA employees with former Department of Defense people. What for? And now that the government placed a ban on SETI working with NASA, a number of NASA employees are thus being sent to work with SETI. Interesting arrangement.

Here is a summary of the problem doing research into the area." Well then couldn't we also say that extraterrestrial signals aren't there because there isn't thousands of research centers conducting satellite surveys of the skies? And it's false to claim that not many university academics are conducting research in the area.

4. "You don't have to look for Bigfoot to say that there is no scientific evidence for their existence." You can say whatever you want, but someone does have to do the research. And who would you believe, someone who investigated Bigfoot or someone who merely claimed that Bigfoot did not exist?

5. Who are the nameless scientists from which he draws his conclusions?

If there was a governmental coverup, which sometimes seems to be the case at NASA, what BETTER way to do it than to create a SETI@Home program which proves to the entire planet that there is nothing there? See for yourself. Download it. You could sit there for ages and see nothing. Is this intentional? -P3N


Good questions. Few answers. As usual, you can listen to the 'experts' who use nameless sources as references, or you can investigate for yourself. UFORC thanks the editors of Paranormal News Network for that report.

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